This. Sometimes our protections benefit the wrong people, sadly.
This. Sometimes our protections benefit the wrong people, sadly.
I ran in to this (the crash on launch) with... Something, don’t remember what. Thankfully you can toggle Auto HDR per title. Also, either a game patch or Windows patch seems to have fixed it since, as I now have it on for everything with no issues.
Definitely for Destiny 2 and Monster Hunter World. Like, vastly, embarrassingly better.
I mean, they're both absolutely dreadful people I only care about enough to tell people how much I don't care for them, so... Probably won't be losing any sleep.
Gen-Z in particular. All it would take is one TikTok video.
It’s actually the law. For a reason.
All I'm saying is, as a queer person... He certainly doesn't /dress/ like he's straight.
What even is this "Warriors and Wolves" nonsense? Is it like a wanna-be super PAC or something? Weird, creepy name for an organization - you know instantly, just hearing it, that it's bad if these idiots get what they want without reading a word of their drivel. I have got to get out of this country.
I could actually see Gen-Z kids doing this. They're much more open to activism than many give them credit for. Gives me a little hope for the future.
Oh yeah, I definitely chose this. It hasn't made my life like, 10x harder in a ton of ways, I wasn't secretly suicidal for years before finally deciding I /had/ to come out, even though I live in the deep south and my sister is a super conservative born again Christian who will now have nothing to do with me...…
As a recently out trans woman in the deep south (SC is not the most friendly environment, surprise surprise - part of why I hid for so long) yes, I am offended and frustrated by all the bullshit Chappelle has been spouting and continues to. Sorry, but defending JK Rowling, “gender is a fact”, the genitalia stuff, and…
It was a PS2 chip on the original “fat” models, and without being jailbroken they’re the only ones that will play a PS2 disc, but many PS2 games were sold on PSN and playable on the newer “slim” models as well. The PS3 slim had no PS2 hardware, and the Cell chips the PS3 was built around have almost no similarities…
No, they have a very mature PS2 emulator for PS3, almost 100% compatibility. That said, you’re correct that the early PS3 models had a PS2 chip in them, but the later models also got PS2 support (eventually) and this was done entirely in software. The PS4 also used an emulator for PS2.
They 100% want to put trans people in situations that will be dangerous to them (not allowing them in to bathrooms associated with their expressed gender being the most common). So not directly, no - at least not most of them I imagine - but that is the result.
The frame rate is better in the gameplay clip from the demo... But the art (imo of course) manages to be worse. Cool concept, but from what I can tell so far bad execution. If they'd chosen a different style this might have been a must buy for me. As it stands, I'll probably pass.
Needs to go to jail for life. If you're old enough to drive a lethal weapon and use it against others, you're old enough to face the full consequences.
This. So much this.
“The removal isn’t permanent” -- I mean, it isn’t yet. They claim it isn’t at least. There’s absolutely nothing keeping them from never bringing it back, though, and honestly? I’d be surprised if they ever do.
So, spoiler warning, sort of.
Pretty sure they dissolved the studio that made Omega after release, so... No more real Wipeout. Sad but true.