Guy Under the Seats

Yeah, I spent a while thinking it was a typo, but I’m going with “The Daily Show won’t be [Daily] following shooting at Trump rally”.

Dateland AZ is a mandatory stop on the drive to PHX to visit family. Last visit I got a large shake on the way there AND on the way back.

This sounds crazy, but once upon a time, Comic-Con was not a movie/television trailer delivery mechanism, but a place to meet comic creators, buy comics and nerd schwag and similar stuff.

None of that is impacted by either a writers or actors strike.

It reminds me of when someone asked Joseph Heller why he hadn’t written anything as good as Catch-22 again, and he replied, ‘Who has?’

Now playing

The crescendo of Marquee Moon might still be the most important 90 seconds of music in my life.

Yeah, I got the 2 slider meal and got 2 meals out of it by making a small side salad.

I brought some Irvin's back after my trip to Singapore last year. Definitely excellent. They have a hint of chili, too, no? Or was that the also excellent salted egg popcorn I had?

The issue is that the claim Jewish people are in charge of Hollywood/banks/governments/the world/space lasers all comes from the same antisemitic root. It’s the same thing antisemites have said for two thousand years, usually right before they show up with torches. You can say “it’s demographics” as loudly as you

It’s funny that there’s been a parade of casual dining Mex restaurants over the years in the Chicago area (not counting fast food or fast-casual), and none of them seem to last long. Chi-Chi’s -> El Torito (which we liked) -> Chevy’s, all gone from the area. Pepe’s hangs on, strangely. I think it’s mainly that there’s

I mean they literally took the film away from Ayer and handed it over to a company that edits trailers.

How can you run an obit about this guy without mentioning “Time Bandits?” I mean, he certainly doesn’t come to mind when I think of Twin Peaks. When Bruce Willis dies I full expect the headline here to be

this movie looks like something that was stuck on ‘uploading 99%’ since 2011 and just finally finished.

I’m surprised at the number of lot codes this affects, unless lot numbers are not sequential.

don’t know where these fit in the exotic range, but it’s hard to get classier than a vintage Mercedes SL. A good example is this 1985 380SL hardtop convertible-

Queued up before the cull. The intent was indeed to leave out of solidarity, so you can imagine my frustration when it got bumped to a run date that was after everyone else from the old guard had already left the building. That said, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to see that the piece ended up being

That's the problem for a lot of people I think... It can be slimy and soft, hard and dry, anywhere between- it all depends on the prep and familiarity of the cook. It's so multipurpose that it can turn out to fit a ton of contexts.  Though I still obviously prefer ribeye for a cheese steak.

It hasn’t been 26 years. It’s been 36 years. Nobody is in the Navy for 36 years, no matter how creepily youthful they look.

There are so many beers and wines that it is impossible to know them all. Picking off of label/price/style is far from the worst way to go.

Hilo isn’t exactly a resort town either, so there’s another level of slumming for you.

You’ve clearly never been to a taproom or ice cream parlor where there’s one staff person and a group of friends in front of you which each NEED to try 4 or 5 samples. Why do I have to seriously stand there and wait for their nonsense when I know exactly what I want to order and could have it and pay in 30 seconds.