
Go away.

You’re a no talent clown. Take a seat sugar.

Yes because those are the same thing. Human beings, animals, totally equivalent. Go die in a fire please

You folks keep thinking that racists are only in GOP. It was a GEBERAL ELECTION. Guarantee this alleged rape would’ve brought even more closeted bigots out of the woodwork. His history of racism and those he embolden were well documented prior to the election. He’s being sworn in next month. This is on your white

So it’s black voters’ fault he was elected? Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Whatever you have to tell yourself to deflect. Gtfoh

Wouldn’t surprise me at all seeing as how the lone black member was regularly subjected to racial harassment and this broad certainly gave no shits about it.

On the Ocho

And because her rep says so, it’s not possible that there was a phone conversation that occurred as well?Of course not. Just look at all the white back patters in the comment section. I’m gonna need more than some supposed transcript sent out by her people. Because those things can’t be edited at all (🤔 

Also be aware that it was ms Molitor who kept asking the video not be released, not Joe Mixon. Maybe look into why that is so.

Well she’s also racist as fuck too so that’s why the vitriol. But keep being a white feminist about it. #solidarityisforwhitewomen

Spot on. I love Rocks stand up but Christ he can’t act for shit. Even in a movie where he’s playing a stand up comedian (Top 5).

There was tons of white fanboy anger about the casting of mordo. Tons.

You magnificent bastard

The one who passed from the goal line when he had the best running back in the league and lost the super bowl? Your dick riding respectability politics knows no bounds. And wins no championships.

Says the person about to blow a gasket. Bless your heart.

Don’t care. Kill his mentally ill ass and piss on his grave.

Have you never been to a Christian church? They not only have intermittent breaks for “offerings” they also distribute envelopes for “blessings.” What’s the difference?

You should try it too since they were referring to the comments on the previous article, as alluded to by the OP. Good try, dipshit.

Love all the white washing going on here. Brilliant. Historical context matters so much apparently that we should always forget about slave owning and rapist white men. It matters so much that we should forget her population control efforts. And then, lol, let’s make a false comparison between her and Dubois, because

Awesome. More privileged white hand wringing on what to call hate groups and the members of said hate groups. Then to be surprised that anyone would suggest you’re normalizing these pieces of shit. They are nazis, bigots, hate groups, domestic terrorists, racists, trash, and what I like to call “Gods Mistakes”. This