Well, the good old white folks at Starbucks put “Colored Guy” on my cup about two years ago and Bo Bice didn’t like my Facebook post about it sooooo..yeah your comment is dumb.
Well, the good old white folks at Starbucks put “Colored Guy” on my cup about two years ago and Bo Bice didn’t like my Facebook post about it sooooo..yeah your comment is dumb.
I love everything about your comment. Have a star.
And that is why your opinion of government and policies going forward shall remain irrelevant. You have no substance on which to base any opinion or theory that you want heard. You should be ignored. Forever. You and your voice no longer matter. Congrats on identifying yourself as irrelevant.
No, what she meant was food with seasoning. Can’t say I blame her. I wouldn’t want any white people food either. Mayo and parsnips? No thanks.
Remember how every pro athlete ever has had this same pattern?
You also aren’t cutting weight by limiting the amount of water in your body. Force about 5-10 pounds of water weight out and you’ll be as ripped as she is.
Never mind her slut shaming other women. Ignore all the things she said about Cris Cyborgs looks, and looking like a man. Forget all the trash she talked for years till she got knocked the fuck out. Forget her transphobia. She’s so tough. Not that she’s butthurt that no one is kissing her ass thinking she’s invincible…
Dumbest self-appointed nickname is the history of sport.
The correct usage of their. That’s what you’re missing.
Nah, KD stole that title.
Except no one tripped KD. He’s a choke artist and has always been lousy at handling the basketball. Don’t wanna lose? Play better for the 47 minutes preceding. Don’t leave it up to the refs.
Mayo Drops?
Gee I wonder where enslaved people could’ve learned to have so little compassion. Hmm 🤔 But to answer your query, yes I find it quite hilarious. The irony as it were.
There’s a plethora of documentaries and shows about them. Doesn’t need to be another one.
Days Since White People Last Had An Original Thought Or Idea:
Well he’s black so he it will never be enough. And of course, the innocent white girl that spit on him, pushed him, and hit him to further escalate the situation is absolved from any responsibility to de-escalate the situation that night.
Just because people keep asking doesn’t mean she knows who they are. Why should she? They aren’t in her hemisphere. And, since Demi wanted to run her mouth, MC made it clear the proper way to address any issue someone has with her. When you’re out of your lane you don’t dictate protocol. She’s far too successful to…
Excuse me if I don’t give any credence to a shitty essay written by a bum who fixed fights and wishes he had access to hopkins’ inner circle. 3/10, would not recommend.
But those coaches didn’t. Stop being so salty. It happened. It’s over. He wasn’t gonna let you play anyway. You really should get your butthurt treated by a professional.
You have horrible taste in shows. Atlanta is better than all of those.