Do you honestly believe that trump didn’t get votes from white people in NYC? Seriously? That’s almost as asinine as suggesting that there isn’t racism in ny, it’s only in rural places and flyover states. It’s necessary to protest EVERYWHERE.
Do you honestly believe that trump didn’t get votes from white people in NYC? Seriously? That’s almost as asinine as suggesting that there isn’t racism in ny, it’s only in rural places and flyover states. It’s necessary to protest EVERYWHERE.
I agree the Silicon Valley producer is an asshole. Good catch.
Yes you’re alone.
You mad? Good. My coffee needs more white tears.
So is he
He knew there was two of them. As in,”Don’t one of you muhfuckas got sickle cell or something...”
Hopefully Obama wipes his ass with it then sets it on fire. She deserves every minute of her sentence. She was a violent misogynist as a man, and is a traitorous panderer as a woman. Good riddance.