
Even more deliciously absurd is the fact that the majority of the immigrants coming into the US are highly religious (Catholic, Christian, etc). They’d be a *LOCK* for Republican votes if the party could let go of their ethno-fascist Nazi-wannabe white-supremacist bullshit. But no. Their hate for not-white people is

Another shining example of how When the profit motive becomes unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen....”

Only property, something that is ‘owned,’ intellectual or otherwise, can be stolen or pirated. Something the owner of said property can be deprived of. Publishers like Nintendo claim the games players buy aren’t their property — discs, licenses, what have you — so no owner is being deprived of property when access or

Posting record profits is why they’re throwing away their employees. Those record profits attracted lots of speculative investments. And that bill has come due, so they’re desperately trying to scrape together the money necessary to pay it the only way they can — throwing people under the bus to artificially reduce

...and now Doom needs a mod where your ‘weapon’ is a Lawnmower —with upgrades to collect, of course. Bigger blades. More blades. Higher suspension. Better acceleration and top speed. That’s right, demons. Run. Run away....

This certainly looks like the pinnacle of the ‘whale hunting’ F2P model. The ‘whales’ become ‘investors,’ giving them even greater degrees of control over direction and priorities, while everyone else mostly gets crapped on by them. So, yeah, F2P, but especially in this form, is wholly incompatible with player/worker

I am disappointed that the “Read More” button wasn’t brought in on the gag and relabeled “Would you like know more?”

Oh, hey, shocker — that thing Microsoft execs specifically said they weren’t going to do, they went ahead and did anyway! It’s almost as if their reasons for why they needed all their recent mega mergers, how it was going to help competition was, what’s the word again? Oh, right. It’s lies. Their ‘reasons’ were all

Because they aren’t yet. It takes time for developers to really get the hang of all the hardware-specific capabilities of a console, the how, where, and when a console’s unique capabilities allow for unorthodox or novel approaches to replace more routine and less-performant methods. This has been consistently true for

It’s a manifold issue. A long-lasting high concurrency of users indicates sustained, ongoing interest in the game. That means there’s substantial audience and market for continued development and support. That in turn means a higher likelihood of more DLC and expansions, etc. But Starfield isn’t showing that.

Ramin Djawadi has done some amazing theme songs, including Game of Thrones.

That would imply that there were any ideals involved in the first place. But bigotry and intolerance aren’t ideals. They’re flaws. Gross, inexcusable, willful flaws. Because even though a person can happen into having these flaws as matter of upbringing, *keeping* them is a choice. It’s a choice to remain bigoted, to

By the ‘logic’ on display here, the great turtle-stomping epidemic of the 80s caused by Super Mario Bros must have been horrific! Oh, right. That never happened. Because that’s not how this works. That’s not how ANY of this works.

When mountains and centuries of hard data contradict everything you just said, I think you’re the one in a bubble, bub.

So then no, you don’t understand the difference. You could have just said that and saved yourself a bunch of pointless keystrokes of meandering ignorance.

Valve isn’t a publicly traded company, and one generally decent guy exercises nearly absolute authority over the platform, while his focus has never been on maximizing the profits generated by it.

If you actually think it’s going to be finished in a few days, are you in for a surprise....

...publishers are knowingly, intentionally selling access to a game before it’s finished. Pretty sure they’ve stopped giving a f*** what they’re selling as long as they get their money. And if they don’t, well, that’s [insert random scapegoat] to blame. Why? Because their customers have told them that they’re okay

Valheim really rubbed me the wrong way with all of its mindless busy-work tasks. Torches and fires that have to be constantly refueled. Food that lasts 10 minutes, except not, because its effects start decaying halfway through. Oh, and food isn’t optional, since beyond the first-ish zone, everything will 1-shot you

They’re either copies, or they’re not.