If they were exactly the same, as you claim, the two models would perfectly overlap. They don’t. In many instances, they’re not even close.
If they were exactly the same, as you claim, the two models would perfectly overlap. They don’t. In many instances, they’re not even close.
Can’t...why? Because you say so? You think there’s some ‘magic’ need for ~8 billion people, some purpose being served that can’t be served any other way? There’s literally nothing those people contribute to the lives of the wealthy and powerful *EXCEPT* their creative labors. Everything else only exists to keep…
‘People’ won’t need to work. As long as your definition of ‘people’ are the billionaires. Nearly everything will be fully autonomous, with a very tiny number of people whose sole job — and only means of survival — is to keep those systems running.
Hey! I can cite statistics too! Here’s one! Nearly 10% of the US population lives in poverty where starvation is a daily reality! Oh, wait, that’s more than 6.6%. Hmm... well, maybe things are better elsewhere. In Africa, nearly 1/2 the continent’s population lives in poverty. Well, shit, that’s also more than 6.6%.…
No. There will be no mines in the near(ish) future. There will be no need of manual labor. Because there will be no laborers. The only ‘workers’ who will be left will be the tiny number of people it takes to keep the vestigial-economic machinery of this world running smoothly for the billionaires who will own the…
All of this isn’t a problem inherent to AI tools themselves. Rather, it’s a product of AI tools under a capitalist economic system. Under a more equitable economic system, AI tools wouldn’t ‘replace’ people. They’d free people up to do something else, something more enjoyable, more interesting or more productive,…
This usage of AI is still incredibly crude for the same reason that Up-goer 5 is an incredibly crude (if deliberately hilarious) description of a rocket — the depth and complexity of its ‘vocabulary.’
Just like at ‘no point’ did studios specifically say that they’re going to stop producing physical media for their releases. And yet, if you go to most stores, you either won’t find any physical media for sale, or what you do find will be extremely minimal.
IP laws mean you can never truly have competition in this kind of market space. After all, if you want Star Wars, Disney is literally your only option.
And once you can’t own your games anymore, the march of enshitification will ensure that you’ll get worse and worse while simultaneously costing more and more. See: literally every industry.
Giving the reliability and transitory ‘status’ of ‘games as a service’ that publishers like Ubisoft has shown us, I believe I speak for every gamer when I say, “Fuck right off,” in response to Ubisoft’s newest asinine idea.
Judging from the notes released so far, the answer is, “Nothing that fixes the core problems with Starfield itself.”
They didn’t add proper borderless-window support to the engine until Fallout 4. They’ve *ALWAYS* been way behind the curve with these kinds of options.
Capitalism only works for society’s benefit when it has substantial and effective competition (which is impossible in nearly all industries when you have state-enforced monopolies via intellectual property laws). The problem is that capitalism’s core goal — the accumulation of capital — is directly at odds with that…
I think the question is whether they’re made aware of the toxic minefield they’re about to step into...for a paycheck that will never be worth the level harassment (or worse) they’ll spend years, if not decades receiving.
Yup. Unity’s management fiasco has turned the page on ‘profitability’ and has shifted into the final stage of capitalism — butchering the company carcass and selling off the remains to extract whatever value remains for the shareholders and execs. F*** everyone else. Especially the employees.
Yeah! He rode his golden parachute ... to another company where he will almost certainly continue doing all the same shitty things, to the business, to its customers, to the employees, etc, and get richly rewarded for it! That’ll definitely show him the error of his ways!
It’s just publishers setting up an epic rugpull — one they’ve been dreaming about for decades. Once digital sales and streaming have completely replaced physical sales, they will have achieved full control over all products sold *after* they’ve been sold. They can unilaterally decide to remove access to any title at…
Who could have possibly predicted that arrogant, ignorant leadership obsessed with inflating profit margins at any cost makes for genuinely shitty leadership! I mean, capitalism is all about amassing capital, so why isn’t it working? It couldn’t possibly be that the fundamental driving force of capitalism itself is…
Funny. Rebel Galaxy didn’t have the problem of boring interplanetary travel. The developers created plenty of *procedural* ways to add points of interest throughout multiple solar systems. And they did it on a shoestring budget too. Strange how, if you make features a priority, you can find ways to make them work...