
And the sad truth is that as more and more of the country’s/world’s infrastructure and systems shift to these types of intermediary software solutions to operate, these problems are only going to become more common. Because there’s just not enough financial and/or legal pressure to stop companies from cutting the

Take your damn star....

Capitalism for me, slavery for thee.” — The Real America hidden behind a flimsy curtain of performative ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ and ‘democracy.’

I suppose that depends on how you define ‘good’ as it relates to Musk’s procreation activities. Because I would say ‘none’ is better than any amount greater than zero. The world most assuredly needs fewer racist egomaniacs who think nothing of destroying shit for their personal glorification.

While season 2 still suffered from the same meandering efforts to both pad episode count and ‘flesh out’ the universe that season 1 did, it wasn’t nearly as egregious. And yes, the ending of S2 was much more in line with what one would expect from Halo. But that really doesn’t fix past problems. And there’s no reason

The problem with all these AI-focused ‘demos’ is that they’re still wildly behind the curve of what it takes to even come close to replicating human effort. They’re like the childish (but brilliant in its deliberate simplicity, so don’t misunderstand me) Up-Goer V poster from XKCD. These AI systems lack the necessary

In other words “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

American institutional sexism at its ‘finest.’

She’s been great in every role I’ve ever seen her in. She’s also a prime example of how Hollywood is *not* a place driven by talent. Because despite being a great actress, she’s never really been front and center in any show or movie. The closest she got was her role in Criminal Minds (and I absolutely understand why

Yeah, how dare she not crater her career in a futile effort to get some respect from an industry that has a century-long history of belittling, marginalizing, attacking, and victimizing women.

No, it serves the sole purpose of ensuring that they can never harm anyone ever again. People in prison don’t stop being a danger (see: Hitler) just because they’re out of your line of sight. People in prison also get *out* of prison. People in prison also recruit more people to their ‘cause.’ Or are you unaware that w

You’re right. I don’t condone rape. But I also don’t condone indulging the impulses of horrible people just because society has fooled itself into thinking that we should be infinitely ‘patient’ and ‘understanding’ of them. I reject such willful ignorance. Some people can’t be rehabilitated. Their problems can’t be

Nice false equivalence. Nazi’s ‘felt’ that way towards entire groups of people, for no reason at all beyond ‘because they wanted to.’

Nice false equivalence. Nazi’s ‘felt’ that way towards entire groups of people, for no reason at all beyond ‘because they wanted to.’ They *WERE* the “Tates” of their time.

You don’t reform rotting, toxic garbage. You dispose of it.

Here’s hoping he gets thrown into a max-sec prison to spend the rest of his life as someone’s bitch — a punishment that piece of shit so richly deserves.

Even if you buy ‘the disc’ for games these days, many of them require zero-day patches to run. At all. And of those that do ‘run’ right out of the box, many of those have serious, even crippling bugs in them. Because the ‘we’ll fix it in post’ mentality has seeped into the market.

Stock buybacks are exactly as toxic and incestuous as they sound. And absolutely should be illegal or, at the very least, strictly regulated and extremely limited. Nothing even remotely good has ever come of the practice.

It’s not just that they’re human. They’re part of an industry that is ruthlessly adherent to the dictates of profit growth (ie, to people who don’t care about the product, only the amount of personal wealth they can extract from it), which puts the people trying to work in the industry in the position of being caught

It certainly doesn’t help that the democratic party doesn’t really treat them much better. Certainly not ‘better’ enough for it to be obvious to anyone not intimately familiar with how the US government operates. Trump’s border and wall policies are still alive and well under Biden, after all. And it’s not like