
“...but perhaps mods and DLC will change all of that...”

Okay, Sony...but if my ownership of the things I buy isn’t respected and protected by you, then why should I or anyone else respect and protect the ownership of any of your ‘property’? IPs are a social contract, assholes. If you don’t hold up your end, I am under no obligation to hold up mine.

So then you’d have to call the following games ‘indie’ too, since, by your definition, they’d fall into that group: Half-life 2 and etc, Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike 2, Half-life: Alyx, Portal 1 & 2, DotA 2, and so forth. Valve is independently owned and operated, not beholden to a board of directors. It’s famous (o

The entire executive structure and the business/corporate landscape is a shining example of how universally true it is that, “When the profit motive becomes unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen.”
(taken from “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. Pink)

When regular employees fuck up this colossally, they don’t get ‘severance’ packages. They get promptly shown the door and told to never come back. Security will collect your things and mail them to you, and you’ll be billed for the delivery.

If ‘the right to bear arms’ is immutable and unassailable, why don’t we allow inmates to carry firearms? Life is dangerous in prison, and they need to defend themselves, too! And what about parolees? Since the 2nd amendment and the constitution as a whole clearly has no exceptions for people who have demonstrated a

I said Star Trek. If had meant those series, I would have said so.

That’s the whole point of the push for top-to-bottom automation — so the wealthy can completely eliminate any dependence they have on the rest of humanity, once and for all. Sure, it won’t be ‘as good’ as what actual people can do, but it’ll be good enough that they won’t care anymore, because it’ll be infinite,

Every episode of Star Trek is a ‘ship in a bottle.’ They’re completely unconnected and isolated. You could arrange them in any order, and it wouldn’t matter one bit. Because nothing actually happens. Nothing ever changes. Nothing they do matters, just like nothing they did before mattered. TNG followed most of that

The ‘ship in a bottle’ design paradigm, popularized by Star Trek(s), has been used to death by MMOs. It’s old, tired, and boring. No amount of lore or superficial storytelling can change that.

How can anyone be surprised by this? The end goal of capitalism is to take money from customers who have no choice but to pay you while giving them nothing in return. Literally every business that ever existed is driving towards that goal. Because the objective, the only objective, is profit growth. And what’s more

Yes, lightbulbs are fire hazards when designed improperly. And they are also health hazards when improperly disposed of — more than a few types have special disposal requirements, like fluorescent bulbs.

No, but we do need someone overseeing the production and usage of lightbulbs to ensure that they’re not fire or health hazards. Which they are if they’re not used, designed, or handled properly. And the Republican party sure as shit isn’t going to lift a finger to protect the public if they can’t use it as a cudgel to

To be fair, a robot apocalypse isn’t the part about AI that concerned him. What concerned him was a deep fake of him making a speech he never made. He was apparently confused or flustered by it. And, yeah, if someone had not been paying attention to the deep-fake world, I could see how that might slip their attention

“Well, you see, mods rob us of the opportunity to sell all these things that players have made. We simply cannot permit that loss of potential profits.” — Capcom

That would only work temporarily, which the various social democracies around the world are starting to experience. You see, like everything else before it, the people who have ‘more resources’ will invariably use their greater means to warp the system into serving themselves ahead of everyone else. And they can do it

Yeah, AT&T tried that whole ‘you can only our authorized stuff on our systems’ schtick. How do you think that went, Microsoft? I’ll give you a hint: the FTC and DOJ got involved.

There’s no such thing as a sandbox that’s too big. It’s that there’s not enough sand in it. And in Starfield’s case, the sandbox is practically empty.

First, ESO is a completely different team in a completely different studio. But second, that’s kind of the problem. They went from a team handling a single major IP to a team juggling three major IPs, with very little structural changes to the team itself. So while they are still releasing a new game in roughly the

No, what’s scary is that they *ARE* sending their best. Fascist, misogynistic, sexist, racist, bigoted, hate-spewing, violence-inciting, democracy-killing, theocratic-tyranny loving, corporate-welfare supporting, anti-education, anti-science, anti-society, etc, etc. That *IS* the Republican best. And it has been for