
The original face of Max Payne says things, and....I’m sorry, but I just can’t unsee his mug as the guns-akimbo, time-slowing excop with nothing to lose. “You are in a computer game, Max.”

Indeed. Consolidations are almost never a sign of a strong, competitive, and healthy industry. They are, in fact, signs of an industry on the verge of spiraling into total collapse. It’s a sign that businesses have grown large enough to gobble up their respective markets and sit on them, blocking any new entrants or

It may be illegal, but it’s not anti-capitalism. It’s actually representative of the force that drives capitalism — private ownership and control of capital, and what happens when private parties own all the capital. It demonstrates the end goal of capitalism and why the system is so fundamentally broken — it’s inheren

The best example I can think of regarding the fundamentally broken nature of capitalism is the humble lightbulb. If we could make a lightbulb that lasted a 1000x times longer, under capitalism, there’s no value in it. You can’t ‘run’ a business selling a product that you can only sell to a customer once. You’ll run

The cynic in me immediately asked, “Ease for *whom* exactly?”

Imagine getting to within spitting distance of one the greatest possible achievements in life only to fall short while everyone is watching. What a disappointment and an embarrassment. Those poor stairs are probably scarred for life and in need of serious therapy.

Did you even bother to look at the relevant numbers? Population growth (1.1%) is roughly a third of average inflation rates (~3%).

The more unions we have, and the more people there are who are part of them, the better off people are ultimately going to be, wherever they happen to be. FFS, *UNIONS* are what made America great. Not capitalism. Unions. They literally built the middle class that American capitalists have spent over half a century

That’s because they’ve got hundreds of billions of dollars invested in fossil fuel infrastructure assets — refineries, rigs, derricks, tankers, etc, etc. All those assets will become stranded assets (ie worthless) if humanity gets over its ‘Drill, baby, drill’ obsession. The people with huge sums invested in oil

Yeah, but that wholepivot back to’ thing would imply they stopped focusing on gasoline at some point. That never happened. The most they did was spend a tiny amount on examining how they could capture and control renewables the same way they currently do with fossil fuel. The answer was clearly, “No.” So they’re

Which only needed ‘saving’ because the people at the top only think about money and made some truly stupid decisions blindly pursuing of it. Decisions, I might add, that they were told, in no uncertain terms, would blow up in their faces if made. But they made them anyway. Because money.

If you understand capitalism, then you understand this is exactly in line with capitalist dogma, especially for the wealthy — sharing the wealth means that other people should share their wealth. Not ‘you.’ You’re a special flower, and you earned your wealth with all your ‘hard work’ exploiting and abusing employees...

Yeah, the notion that we’d somehow turn a corner and figure our shit out in a century or two is wildly naive (sorry to burst your bubble, but Star Trek isn’t happening). Given the speed of evolution, that’s nowhere near enough time for humanity to outgrow the detrimental base instincts that are now actively harming

And that frugality will, naturally, apply to himself, right? Right???

On the contrary — it’s not that games prices are too low, it’s that executive pay bloat is too high. And Mr Capcom president, there’s an ‘easy’ your stupid ***, especially after throwing out such an idiotic take on a situation *YOU* had a hand in creating in the first place.

The board can overrule the CEO’s decisions. They can also fire him. The company president can overrule or fire the CEO. None of that happened. Because they all wanted the same thing. And firing the CEO would change nothing about that or what Unity’s leadership wants to do with Unity or the developers who use it. It’s

The CEO is just the tip of the iceberg of all the people who need to go. Removing Ricc the Dick would barely make a dent in the decision process that created this mess.

Nobody cares at this point. Nothing short of walking back Unity’s *ENTIRE* upper management — execs, board of directors, etc — will undo the damage. It’s their fault. They thought it was a good idea. Which means the people responsible for this fiasco are still around, still in a position to make another equally stupid

Take all of this with a grain of salt (a lot of them). Lots of ‘projects’ are considered but never get off the drawing board, and these timelines are nothing more than management’s way of projecting budgets and breakdowns. Chances are these are just aspirational plans and ideas for where to direct the studio’s

The classic non-apology — she’s not sorry she’s a pathetic, disgusting, stupid person. She’s sorry she got *CAUGHT* being a pathetic, disgusting, stupid person.