Trump Uneducated Racist Derangment Syndrome
Trump Uneducated Racist Derangment Syndrome
I work with a guy from very rural Mississippi. The CEO was doing a rah-rah speech. At the end he talked about the biggest challenge being that we had lost people and had tons of positions to fill and was asking for suggestions.
Spoiler alert: if you cant afford to pay your workers a decent wage, you cant afford to be in business
This. I constantly hear that bitching around here, especially at restaurants. Then I look what they want to pay their workers and its as cheap as they can get. I have asked owners why they pay so little and they say shit like thats all they can afford. Spoiler alert: if you cant afford to pay your workers a decent…
8/10 anytime I hear, “We can’t find anyone for this position!” it’s because the hours are shit, the work is shit, and the pay is shit.
“Worker shortage” is code for “low paying job.”
I have a personal hot take on 3rd gear. Here’s the thing with me - I support all the usual Transit Memes for New Urbanist Teens measures. Cities should serve their citizens. Walkability and density should be prioritized over roads and parking. Resources and entertainment should be well-distributed into the urban…
Assholes: “We don’t want you to be spoiled. Starve!”
Same assholes: “I am a Christian! I could never do anything bad!”
If they really do have the receipts, Wal Mart be fucked.
Patton Oswalt nailed it, election night 2016. “Turns out, America is way more sexist than it is racist. And it’s pretty fucking racist...”
This is Clinton(Hillary) 2.0. Trash her in every way possible; so much so that in spite of intelligence, competence, savvy, and compassion, Harris will be unelectable and hated. Remember, women turned on their own in 2016 with statements regarding her looks, pants suits, and the fact that they just didn’t trust…
Yup, nothing stopping the Dems except, you know, Mitch the Bitch and the filibuster. And if you think the GQP wouldn’t put a couple million people on the street and then try to hang that on Dems you’re adorable.
This country is just going down the sewer pipe. When you can’t do basic fucking shit to protect public health in pandemic, it’s a wrap.
We all knew this was going to happen, right? Nobody is surprised by this? Good.
Less crazy? I mean, crazy was the only thing that set Saint’s Row apart from GTA...
In my experience, there’s nothing that triggers white people more than pointing out they are white. Especially if they’re “one of the good ones.” If we just added white in front of -politics, -religion, -protests, there would be such a backlash.
“So why don’t sports reporters ever ask Tom Brady for his thoughts on domestic terrorism or school shootings”
No worries. Half will be bumped to the summer.
Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?