C.M. Allen

I know why it isn’t one (because wolves guard the sheep), but lies like this, ones specifically targeted at a given demographic, needs to be a federal hate crime. But not just those kinds of lies, but pretty much all lies in politics need more punitive attention. Politicians and their appointees and staff really need

Suspended? How about fired instead. Acting like (and thus being) a world-class asshole should bar you from any kind of employment in law enforcement, and grounds for immediate termination for anyone who already is.

I know. I did it. But again, there are other mods which would override any amount of heatsink mods you throw at them. Particular with the sniper, but the shotgun, too. It was great to knock enemies around (fun with physics!) but it was an instant overheat with every shot.

There are legal precedents that some kinds of misconduct on behalf of police officers can result in overturning verdicts in cases that involved those officers. But it doesn’t happen nearly often enough, nor does it initiate anywhere near enough scrutiny on those officers (or punishment) and the precinct(s) they served

It was also discovered that prosecutors somehow lost exculpatory DNA evidence and inappropriately pushed a witness to come forward.

That only worked for some weapons with some setups. And some mods made that approach flat-out impossible. A single-shot would overheat basically any and every weapon instantly.

Biden honors the deals that Trump made, gets blamed by the Trumpees for the outcome of those deals.

“People who follow ‘our way’ are the masters of this world, destined to rule over everything.”

That’s the only ‘Jesus’ they recognize and accept. Remember, these are the same people who were (and still are) completely fine with forced hysterectomies on not-white women.

Some unions are sometimes bad. Not all of them and not all the time. Unions are the reasons actors get paid residuals for work they did years prior. Unions are the reason you get paid holidays and paid vacation. Unions are the reason you get health insurance (and it used to be 100% employer paid at that). Unions are

The scam is that they’re preying on lower-income families and individuals who don’t have the financial means to *get* better deals...a vicious cycle that these stores help REINFORCE. For the profit of the few CEOs and shareholders.

I’m pretty sure they’d make a sport out of that. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first sport racists have made out of killing black people.

Hell, if she was suspended *with pay* then she wasn’t even punished — the rest of us call that a vacation day.

Corrupt police? I’m shocked! SHOCKED, I tell you. I mean, who could have possible predicted that an absence of accountability or consequence wouldn’t result in improved job performance! [/s]

...most Americans think discussing racism and discrimination is actually a good thing, according to a recent survey.

It’s worse than that, actually. In many instances, these officers are following their training. “Surely you jest. Trained? To be racist assholes?” No, I am not. Law enforcement really does have training and trainers for this shit. So even if they weren’t racist before getting into the field, they’re quickly trained to

Totally. I mean, when I run into a postal worker who isn’t in a post-office vehicle or at the post office, my first assumption is that something fishy clearly must be going on. For that matter, whenever I run into a police officer who isn’t stuffing his face with donuts and coffee....

When they start blaming Biden? Trump has already started blaming Biden for it, like this shit didn’t start on his watch, that he wasn’t responsible for the entire clusterfuck that followed, that his fragile ego couldn’t withstand the blow of being the total fucking moron who downplayed a pandemic, sabotaged

Once again demonstrating that all the Republican cries and screams about ‘election integrity’ and ‘voter fraud’ are really just projection of all the corrupt, shady-as-shit, and illegal things Republicans do to stay in power. Because if they have to do it, everyone else clearly must be doing it too.

Spiteful is a parent belittling a child’s dreams.