C.M. Allen

When they start blaming Biden? Trump has already started blaming Biden for it, like this shit didn’t start on his watch, that he wasn’t responsible for the entire clusterfuck that followed, that his fragile ego couldn’t withstand the blow of being the total fucking moron who downplayed a pandemic, sabotaged

Nah. If they *voted* for Abbott, they absolutely deserve to get exactly as fucked Abbott gives them. You reap what you sow. Republicans are never going to learn their lesson on voting in shitty people until *THEY* pay for those choices.

Yeah, that’s true. One cannot live in Texas and act surprised about *ANY* of the shit its government is doing. They’ve been broadcasting their corrupt agenda all along. Brings all new meaning to the phrase ‘virtue signaling’ doesn’t it?

What in the Hell Is Going on With Boeing’s Starliner?

The problem is that not everyone *DID* vote for this. There’s a sizable enough proportion of people who *DON’T* support Abbott that the people they *DID* elect have stonewalled the Republican party’s attempts to pass unethical and/or unconstitutional laws. Texas, like a lot of red states, is gerrymandered up the ***

Multiverse of Madness opens lots of doors for things like. And the thought of her landing a bigger role in some MCU tent-pole films would awesome.

Once again demonstrating that all the Republican cries and screams about ‘election integrity’ and ‘voter fraud’ are really just projection of all the corrupt, shady-as-shit, and illegal things Republicans do to stay in power. Because if they have to do it, everyone else clearly must be doing it too.

Frankly, just about *EVERY* merger that has happened over the last 40-50 years was a bad idea, shouldn’t have been permitted, and should be reversed. Market consolidation pretty much *NEVER* works in favor of society or consumers.

Millions who won’t take it at all. Millions taking more than necessary. Yeah, we’re pretty screwed up as a species. It’s a good thing the world is in such great shape, or I might be worried about our future...

Unfortunately, what you’re talking about is effectively the status quo of human ‘civilization’ and the people exploiting it aren’t going to give it up voluntarily. They have, at every turn, fought tooth and nail to keep everything for themselves to leave the scraps for everyone else. And they have absolutely no qualms

*Let* the government...oh, that’s rich. Like the NSA or the CIA is going to *ASK* Apple’s permission or even let anyone know. To say nothing of what privacy-hostile foreign powers will do with or without Apple’s knowledge or consent.

But all the fossil-fuel-extraction enthusiasts pinky promised that natural gas would solve all our problems. All we had to do was let them keep doing what they’ve been doing!

Spiteful is a parent belittling a child’s dreams.

Yup. We triggered a runaway greenhouse effect. *IF* it ever stabilizes enough for the damage we’ve caused to repair itself, it’ll be a LOOOOOOONG time before Earth’s climate ever resembles what it’s like now.

Yes and no. Fertile, technically, but not cultivable. Because it’ll experience too wildly fluctuating weather extremes to grow anything. Droughts, floods, heat waves, and cold snaps. Extreme storms, too. And fires. All in the same ‘season.’ Every season.

The IPCC Warns This Is a Make-or-Break Decade for Humanity

He should have been involuntarily committed on a 72-hour evaluation long before he got into office, but the behavior he displayed once getting in was clearly that of someone who was not in possession of all his faculties. And given what this man believes and the things he does, he would have never gotten out. He’s

He’s just rewriting history the way Republicans have for...well, a looooong time.

Haven’t you been paying attention? Corporations ARE citizens. They’re more citizen than you are, in fact, with more rights, protections, and powers than you! American democracy is best the democracy money can buy!

That only works if there are significant enough punitive consequences for submitting false/misleading data. There aren’t. Which is why these companies keep doing it. They can lie freely and nobody but the customer calls them on i, who happen to be completely powerless to do anything. It’s not like the FCC is going to