C.M. Allen

This is where modern publishers are falling down — there are plenty of talented indies and hobbyists out there who could give these publishers a license to print money -- at no cost to the publisher -- just by selectively licensing their IPs to said indies and hobbyists. But they’re of the old “with an iron fist”

Shitty people rise to the top because they have no qualms about stepping on everyone else beneath them. In other news, water is wet and fire burns.

That there’s even a discussion about an officer who has three fatalities to his name is beyond the pale. I mean, an officer who has killed or shot people on two or more separate occasions — when the vast majority of officers go their entire careers without ever firing their weaponshould be under the strictest

But remember, America totally doesn’t have a racism problem. [/sarcasm]

...unlearn the behavior they were *TRAINED* to have, no less. So even if they weren’t assholes already, they were trained to be assholes as part of their job.

That’s probably a whole lot closer to the truth than any Republican would willingly admit — that their definition of ‘loving’ America is to be willing servants and slaves to the wealthy masters and never, ever question their rule.

Not necessarily. I mean, realistically, yes, but that’s by no means required. All it takes is *FEDERALLY* mandated unions. That solves all this shit. Businesses and corporations would not be able to bypass the unions to get their employees. Not that either political party in the US would *EVER* allow such a thing to

They could already do that. They don’t because it’s not just about ‘butts in the chair’ metrics. Nearly every kind of business in this day and age requires a monumental amount of infrastructure to operate. The places left that they could take their operations for ‘cheaper labor’ now have little or none of that.

Corporate law exists solely as a shield to protect corporate owners from accountability or responsibility for the actions of the companies they own and operate. That is quite literally the whole reason these laws exist.

And keep in mind, all this is happening at a time when humanity is facing an imminent existential threat. We are effectively in a slap fight with one another while the house is burning down around us. Which isn’t to shift blame — racists and Republicans (not all racists are Republicans even if all Republicans are

You know, I might not know which side the man himself falls on, but Bill Engvall’s bit is so apt for this trio — “Oh, you’re an idiot. Here’s your sign.”

Shithole America is the worst place in America. It just happens to represent roughly 1/3rd of the country by population and about 2/3rds of it by acreage. In other words, America’s problem is America, one created and carefully nurtured for decades by one specific corrupt, greedy party of malcontents. This problem

I hadn’t heard that, but it doesn’t surprise me in the least. It takes a certain kind of mind to find power appealing -- the kind of mind that should never have any kind of power. Ever.

“If you’re in charge and something happens, you’re responsible. If you’re in charge and something doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”

The sad thing is, I’ve kept up with real-time work done by professional and hobbyists using techniques and capabilities of present-day hardware/software, and I can confirm that current engines were capable of doing justice to more diversity than they were ever tasked with handling. The restrictive poly-count handicap

Hypocrites, crooks, liars, and thieves, what the Republican whines most about is the what the Republican practices and believes.

Hard to say if it’s lying or just hypocrisy. The GOP loves both equally. But either way, they’re shitty people of a cult which prides itself on its shittinesss to other people. Light ‘em all on fire and let their god sort it out later. Humanity can’t really afford to indulge them any longer.

And he should have had his medical license stripped from him after that batshit display of incompetence and stupidity. He’s a danger to anyone in the same room as him.

...until an actual crime has been committed, a police officer’s authority over the public is — lemme check — exactly nothing. And officers flexing authority they do not have is called — lemme check again — right, harassment, and harassment that leads to physical injury is called assault.

Things this rotten aren’t invisible. Either he knew and chose to do nothing, or he chose not to see it. Either way, he didn’t ‘fail’ them. He *chose* to be part of the problem rather than the solution.