C.M. Allen

And what, pray tell, was so important about this skating rink that they had the funds and permission to install the hardware and software necessary to *DO* facial recognition (poorly or otherwise)?

Exactly. Let’s not pretend this is a *new* problem. Republicans weaponized misinformation and disinformation decades ago and have been using it ever since to stay in power wherever they can. It’s just added some extra lethality to its arsenal: plagues and pandemics. Killing in the name of...

Bad as this barely habitable shithole place is, I can assure you, when it comes to heavy industry and mineral extraction, it most assuredly can be made worse. It can be turned into a literal toxic shithole in which *NOTHING* can live. Not even bacteria.

Fuck Texas. Nothing’s bigger in Texas but penis envy and assholes.

True story: the ‘red’ in these states is from all the people the state government is killing to maintain their power. Dyin’ to own the libs.

Brought to you by the same people howling “My body! My choice!” about being told to get vaccinated. Not that they’re hypocrites or anything.

I’m aware of the near-insurmountable challenge involved. Why it hasn’t been done. Just trying to organize something like that is mind-numbing in scale. But that just underpins the sad reality — until it is, the radicalized minority will continue to control these states. They *WILL NOT* let go. Not now. Not ever. Not

I feel sorry for the people who live in Texas and don’t want to support the Abbot-level insanity running rampant, the same way I feel sorry for people who live in Georgia and don’t support Kemp-insanity or Florida and don’t support DeSantis insanity, and all the other GOP-led states floundering around in their

Well, there are some who don’t ‘support’ a lot of what Trump did. They just don’t have the spine to admit it publicly, to say nothing of standing up to the raging Mango Hitler directly. And that’s never going to change with what happened to the handful of Republicans who did take a stand against Trump. Because staying

LB, like the rest of her constituents, live in an alternate reality apart from which they can no longer exist. Which is why no matter how stupid, no matter how totally asinine LB and other politicians like her show themselves to be to the rest of humanity, the people voting for these idiots never see them for idiots

Serial number generation. They have to be wholly unique, and they have to be large enough to be secure. Sort of like, well, crypto tokens. To elaborate: these serial numbers are usually pre-generated in large lots and distributed to digital stores. Get a large enough run on demand, and those lots get used up, and the

I’m pretty sure one of the first thing the soldiers of the Revolutionary War did was to build statues of King George and all the symbols and trappings of British Rule for, like, ‘historical’ purposes, too. In fact, I’m also reasonably certain WWII veterans were only to happy to build monuments to Imperial Japan in

The only real instance of election tampering was done by the Postmaster General, on behalf and at the request of Donald Trump, by attempting to make millions of mail-in votes (ie, predominantly not Republican voters) disappear or be delayed long enough to prevent them from being counted. It literally doesn’t get more

That is, in a nutshell, what they’re all terrified of. And if America’s real history (and its present) shows us anything, it’s that angered Americans are bloodthirsty and ruthless when provoked. Which is why wealthy Republicans are desperately scrambling to redirect all that festering rage they’ve kept simmering for a

A couple things that were also dangerous: speaking out against the King, and taking up arms against the King. And yet, many thousands of people did it, were willing to *DIE* for it.

I can’t think of a better encapsulation of it.

All part of the ‘Kemp Plan’ — Keep America White.

US history is filled with lots of (less-than) half truths like that. What’s being taught about American history now is only just starting to expand into something resembling a more cohesive story that includes some of the most repugnant parts of “God-Fearing America” that fragile, white conservative America would like

“We can’t use this because it’s not certified by the oversight committee.”
 Olympic swimmers

If they’re going to bar athletes from competing because they had some weed (in whatever manner they choose to partake of it), then, yes, they should bar them from having alcohol, cigarettes, aspirin, etc, etc. Hell, they shouldn’t even be allowed to ingest water! Talk about a performance-enhancing substance!