C.M. Allen

You know what ‘Dressing like a thug’ has started to mean *to me* given their actions of late? Police blues and shield. And let’s not forget the traditional ‘thug’ wear — camo (now with magahats). Some random black kid in baggy pants and a hoodie? Nah, that’s just a black person sporting a style of their own.

Not inaccurate. Misleading. As you say yourself, there aren’t enough data points to indicate that this is anything particularly unusual for the FBI, so *singling out* Trump is suggestive of him being a primary factor, which the data simply doesn’t support. Not yet, at least. I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he was

It’s not ‘weird.’ It’s sound planning and leadership — use the resources you’ve got where they do the most good. Chances are, the cost to CDPR to incorporate modding efforts into the official product is going to be far cheaper than paying their own staff to do it. It’ll also be faster, given that this further

You assume they’re shooting to kill and not to maim and inflict maximum suffering before expiration. Given the people involved in these states, that is a bad assumption to make. For the people making these decisions, cruelty IS the point. The WHOLE point. The ONLY point.

Regardless of the misleading title, it would appear to be that the FBI, the US’s highest law enforcement agency, is also one of the largest organized crime syndicates in the world.

Or that! That could be fun, too.

And shitty humans will rush over and destroy it in 3, 2, 1....

And given that there is video evidence of his criminally negligent behavior, I’m sure the local police were dispatched to arrest him for reckless/public endangerment, right? Because law enforcement isn’t biased or anything, right? Right??

Alien Isolation is easily one of my more favored games released any time recently. As I said in my Steam review, it is a perfect recreation of the Alien movie in video-game form, capturing all the right beats, the tension and dread. Honestly, I don’t think anything could improve the experience, because it’s already as

So let’s see...we can digitally swap: faces, voices, and now the words being spoken. Which means we’re one step away from every role being performed by Patrick Stewart. WIN.

I realized how, after having said that, the underlying gameplay mechanics could actually be fun. Renaissance Saints Row?

So we can expect fast mounts and high-speed carriage chases, yeah?

Those CEOs and private equity funds need major bonuses and dividends, so they just couldn’t be bothered to find funds for actually conducting business in a competent manner.

Leaders? Doing what’s best for society? Not on Corporate America’s watch!

Well, they *ARE* tethered to a sinking ship — by choice, that they keep repeating day after day. Because why change when you can force the world to stand still...said every tyrant, dictator, and monolothic business that don’t exist anymore.

Once again proving that all the cries about vote fraud from Republicans is just projection. Because clearly if they HAVE to cheat to stay in power, then everyone else must cheating even MORE. Nothing else makes sense (to them). They’ll find the evidence of it, too. Any day now. Just you wait. Yup...any day now....

Blizzard owns the brand name for Diablo in the same way Apple owns the brand name for Apple — only for that specific use case. This use of Diablo is for a character name in a completely unrelated medium and genre, not the cartoon’s brand name, which is Housebroken, and that makes Blizzard’s ownership of Diablo

It’s almost as if ALL cases should be reevaluated by independent third parties after trials conclude on a regular basis, and in the case of capital crimes, before permanent sentences (ie executions) are carried out. And not only should they have the power and authority to do so, they should also have the power and

There’s literally nothing ‘rare’ about diamonds. The major suppliers are sitting on mountains of the stuff to artificially suppress supply. And they’re just compressed hunks of carbon, one of the most abundant elements in the universe. So where the idea came about that they were ‘rare’ or ‘precious’ or any of that

I think that was the implication, but that doesn’t mean that’s what happened. He could have tangoed with Agatha, but she got away with the book, and he’s been hunting for it and her ever since. It would have been a great segue to the incoming Marvel foray into its deity pantheon, too, given the Darkhold’s connection