
A Petagon, what’s that? Even better, what’s an Expertee? Someone on the receiving end of an Expertor?

Forgot all about that. Thanks (I think)

Laura Ingraham on Fox is also among the Brave Patriots(tm) renouncing Stormfront’s call of the debate for Clinton.

Please translate for an old guy Gen X’er. WTF does that even say?

With each subsequent reading reports of this tragic story, let me see if I have something straight:

As always, “LOLMets.”

Thank you. All the hysterical chest-puffing over bat flips and other showmanship, and I wondered when this would be recalled. In the FREAKING WORLD SERIES. BY A CARDINAL PLAYER!!

I think many of the “love it or leave it” crowd make a good point about respecting the flag. Now if only half of those folks didn’t have a different flag proudly displayed on their property, car bumper or tee shirt.

“They’re also a bunch of hypocrites. Colts players, much like IU Basketball players, can get away with drugs, DUIs, etc., but if Paul George shoves their precious Cody Zeller during a game, he and the rest of the Pacers are labeled as “thugs”.

The only relic of the old Braves in that column worth bringing back is Ted Turner. “ used to be fun to go to.” Really? Fun is watching a team of payrollers lose 95 games a year in front of 6,000 people a night? I’m sure if the 80's Braves played out in Cobb County away from the urban people they would have

Right back at the Knicks and their clutch-and-grab roller derby style that ruined the league for a decade. Walk much, Patrick?

Who’s following the “French Work Week” now?!

Was this really ever a thing? Among my most dog whistle-sensitive family members and race-paranoid fb friends (whom I don’t block because I like having the counterintelligence handy) I have not run across one person offended by the halftime show. Maybe they were just too blitzed to notice.

Thank god he didn’t dance after a touchdown and disgrace the Game or its Gladiators. This is thuggery, period. Nothing to see here since it’s the NFL though.

“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me!” I can just hear the ‘doggone’ out of Jebby’s mouth.

No Go Daddy! Bowl? (in Mobile, AL) At least they hustled in a new sponsor for GMAC when the economy tanked.