

And it can win that WVR fight, stop assuming its an automatic loss for the F-35. Arguably, they need to get the CUDA system working in 10 years or figure out an SRM for internal use...or add more AMRAAMs internally, although 4 is enough initially.

Platform launch vulnerability meaning what exactly? its got a 200+ nmi range on vs the S-400s 200nmi range. As for cost...its half the cost of a Tomahawk block 4. While the -158 lacks the range of a Tomahawk B.4, its LO/VLO.

Not crazy at all!

Just what I needed to hear, thanks for the insight.

Did RT tell you that?

The F-35 is primarily a modern F-117 replacement, basically...but its capable of Raptor-style air to air (except in maneuverability...its like a Hornet, there.). The F-35 is the general-purpose 5th gen.

Except it won’t be effective in capabilities in 15-20 years...when a 6th gen would probably start operational tests.

There isn’t a good way to tell how UAVs impact aircraft losses, AFAIK. :(

Which effectively means ‘saving people’ for the average guy.

What do you mean there? The X-47 is MITL except on takeoff and landing.

A-12 reborn as a UAV?

Slammers on a drone, please.

Everything in the military kills people, actually, everything in LIFE kills people...drones can save the lives of pilots (e.g. drones can do suicide missions), they save ground forces (long endurance...good for COIN/light CAS), and they save saving the lives of pilots and ground forces.

We all know Congress will kill this and retain more A-10s.

My E-brake-peen is bigger than yours!

Well, I missed that like an R-27 in Africa! Sorry about that.

Like within-1000 feet close? Probably a good return, might lose lock a that Rafale did...on a 22 with its lens on...

Oh I get it, the Tigershark is below them, in the ocean...because there isn’t a Tigershark in the picture.

They’re tilted to reduce the side RCS, I think...