
Best comment.

Well, if it wasn’t one Su-24 entering Russian airspace, it darn well could have been more of them, or fighters...I have a feeling Russia got the responsiveness it was looking for.

Yeah yeah, its overused....

Because you can’t win hearts and minds through air power and media perception-oriented politicians.

I should have added that they’re ‘probably’ expired missiles, from what I’ve read there are some strong rumors about it, but no hard evidence has been forthcoming.


I haven’t decided on a branch yet, more focused on school and stuff. As for a platform, I’m a bit of an F-35 fan (you guys can shoot me now)...I’d like to fly that or the F-15.

Give me a few years and hopefully I’ll be able to say I’m a fighter pilot! :)

I meant that tactically, Russia will end up with a defeat...politically? who knows/cares, it could only get worse from there. (‘there’ being some sort of air to air conflict)

There shouldn’t be a back seat!

Needs more upvotes, please!

Its not a strategic/political thing...its that F-16s with pissed off pilots and lots of missiles are probably not things you’d like to fuck with, just saying.

You better not hope they shoot WILL NOT end well for the Russians.

Because they have similar roles? (can you say deep strike? SEAD*? CAS?)

The R-77 isn’t “really” advanced, its like a bad copy of an AIM-120A...want a non-AMRAAM ARH that probably works well?

Think they use R-60s and R-73s or something...air to air in a Su-24 sounds like fun! (actually, death, but whatever.)

Those were expired missiles though, most likely fired outside of proper parameters...

Oh look, AA-10s.

(not really) Best Korea doesn’t need lights.

bah dum tiss