
Yep! or F) It contained a large radioactive dildo.

“Yeah, by that argument, Russia is targeting large swathes of land that contains political enemies of the regime that they want to protect. Not exactly such a challenge to envision.”

Or it could be that Russia likes to BS everyone about what weapon systems it uses...think R-77, for example.

“we end up hitting an MSF hosptial” You mean “an AC-130 hit a prebriefed target that was known to be a hospital, but either A) was thought to contain terrorists. or B) contained political enemies”


Yeah, kinda tired of everyone spewing the same false bullshit over and over. All we really know is that its not a clean/near clean F-16...nor is the TIE Fighter, for that matter.

...bad troll is bad.

Tally two TIEs on the nose, 1 mile!

Its a commie bastard one of the aggressor Hornets.

I meant the MiGs and Suck-jets ;)

AFAIK no, they threw all their MiG-27s and Su-25s at it...or at a cloud of Stingers, I don’t remember.

Then...what is the S-500 for? Can you say ballistic missile defense?

When you seriously overstress the airframe like that (C-130s are limited to positive three G and negative 1 or so, IIRC) you generally end up grounded (you and the plane)

Yeah, it’d be the same all around though... ‘TL;DR: They all suck.’

Huh? What Emails?

And the post of the day goes to...

You’re making too much sense sir, stop it!

He’s kinda right though... Sadly enough some people can’t come to terms with the fact that there are people out there who want ALL of us dead.

My condolences go out to the family and friends of those who died tonight...may they rest in peace and may the motherf*ckers responsible for this rest in hell.