Yep, you kill SAMs with JASSM spam, not F-22s! :)
Yep, you kill SAMs with JASSM spam, not F-22s! :)
Well, it *was* a UFO...until somebody in the Western US figured out what a ballistic missile was!
Well, BFM practice will happen :)
Warning: wall of text below, read at your own risk.
You open the missile bay doors for a second, fire two AMRAAMs or whatever...two things can happen: an AESA might see you for a second or two, then you’re dropped, a mechanically scanned radar (you know, the ones that take anywhere from 3 to 20 seconds to scan a few bars and their azimuth?) probably won’t even detect…
They can put a device on it that basically disables that stealth.
“and then the F-35 is in dire trouble” How so? the F-15C/D won’t detect an F-35 unless its stupid close, and the F-35 has all the SA and the speed/maneuverability it needs to avoid head-on WVR*.
Act like there isn’t and you’ll find out! :)
And if you guys look closely: The chaff/flare dispensers are just behind the intakes. The white/gray boxes are chaff, and the red ones are flares, IIRC.
Those aren’t rolls, those are inverted heading changes that include a leveling maneuver.
Guess I was wrong with that trolling assumption, sorry.
hahaha! thrust vectoring troll ftw!
And sometimes, you know, you build a platform to do one thing exceptionally and a few others pretty well.
“But it can’t fight. Why classify it as a fighter if it can’t handle going head-to-head with any other fighter?”
1) What else can you scramble?
Gripen for Canada!
This and the SA-15 launch (in slow mo, IIRC) = awesome!
The idea that Canada could be an ASH AND a Growler operator is cool...