Clytamnestra Dunge

I only know this story from the movie: i disliked it a lot because it felt like one of those one-dimensional propaganda-pieces that were so popular in the 1960s. An anti-religion hatefest.

i find it rather unfortunate that a show that's already plagued by sexism-accusations would trot out the old 'murderous woman who is just a scared little irrational girl deep-inside (and should therefore get away with everything)'

racism? sexism?
I think they just read up on 'how humans recognize faces': for whities hair-color plays a big role, for asians the chin is important, etc. My point is that when we see faces we subconciously focus on certain regions, while ignoring other aspects.

since this show is loaded with references i'm assuming the brexit-references are also entirely on pupose.
("euros", "from the east", "easily outmanouvering silly little brits")

My name was very rare when i was born. Then when i was 15 years old it became most-popular-name for several years in a row in my country.
Which was weird: in a few years it went from 'bullied on the playground by kids who thought my name was weird and difficult to pronounce' to 'great name, i named my own kid that as

I thought it was refreshing to have a (female) superspy who doesn't have supermodel looks or a dark past (rape, child-abuse, etc). Just a normal person who can easily blend in with the crowd.

I think this show is so-so (Elementary is definitely the better SH show), but it has kinda grown on me. With its uneven characterization and its frantic rush to reference obscure Holmes-trivia.
I have a big soft spot for that made-by-fanboys vibe.

That not because they were stand-alone but because they were badly written.

It's such an obvious failure of logic: yeah, the cases where the main cast is personally involved often are the most popular episodes in the first few seasons of any show. But in almost any detective-show you really need those non-involved filler episodes as a counterpoint.
When you try to just repeat 'the episodes

i kept waiting for the bad guys to abduct that baby.

I really liked this movie: not only does it go against the boring 'good versus bad' absolutes of the original trilogy, but it does so on a much smaller and thus more relatable scale than TFA. These are not the people who have ordered the death of millions, these are the people who have pulled that trigger.

I can certainly appreciate the creativity in either rewriting lyrics or straight-up writing a new song. Much better than just using some song that 'reminds people of home'.
Show me some effort marketeers, show me that you actually know what product you are trying to sell. I hate generic ads that are 25 seconds of 'we

that's exactly what selling out is: you sell out for the promise of money and/or success. that's the quid-pro-quo. it was never a case of "I liked that band until they sold out, and thus became poor and forgotten.

I agree on not liking the show as much.
I do like the fact that we have now left the 'worldbuilding' part and all those different arcs are finally starting to come together (Danearys on her way to Westeros, Jon on his path towards a throne, Bran learning to use his powers, etc). But i do agree with the complaint that

No, she has no real claim. She is merely the only powerfull claimnant left in town.
Robert Baratheon also took his throne by force: by killing mad king Aerys and the crown prince (and letting The Mountain kill that son's children, and forcing the kings other children (Viserys and Deanerys) to flee to Essos). And

Keep in mind their marriage was not out of love, it was a political union between 2 great houses (first with his brother, then with him). Over the years they developed some mutual respect but never a 'let me tell you all my secrets' level of trust (if they had they might've realized that Littefinger had it out for

Nah, i like Jon. But i do hope this doesn't mean it will turn into a 'Jon show' only documenting his stroll towards the iron throne.

I believe he didn't want to present himself as king because his claim wouldn't be very strong (being a bastard) and if Sansa or a powerfull Stark-vasal opposed him it'd cause needless infighting.
But when he sees his allies *want* him as their leader it is his duty to give them their 'Stark king' to rally around.

Why would there even be an intact toe in a minced-meat pie?
yeah, i'm going with 'she just stuffed some gross stuff in an existing pie to freak him out'

Pitting him against Melisandre would be interesting.