
Yes, it’s the same guy. He can grow such an audience because of American anti-intellectualism and addiction to confirmation bias. And because he donates generously to NAMBLA*.

Assange has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. There was no censorship involved here! At no point did any governmental agency prevent Milo from saying what he wanted to say. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from any consequence of your speech.

No, he had every right to all of those things. Just like we had every right to tell him to fuck off, protest and boycott anything associated with him. Free speech is a double edged sword.

My gut feeing is that Sabine will find a Mandalorian leader, but it won’t go as planned. She will re-join the rebels, but only ,after setting up a new Mandalorian guild of Protectors. Knights who answer to the unifying force of the House of Wren, under the symbolic and corrupting force of the Darksaber. Someone in

In National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, the Supreme Court ruled the individual mandate was constitutional therefore not illegal

“but I don’t think that the question of whether a government agency should exist or is effective, is bad per se.”

Don’t forget how little was done for schools over the last 8 years.

My wife is a special education teacher and ever since it was announced that she was the appointee, it has been like walking on rocks. My wife is so broken and disheveled because she is such an advocate for those with special needs, this has been a complete drain on her. I love being married to such a passionate woman,

There should be an Flag option added called “stupid” for people like this.

shouldn’t you be locating a safe space?

Oh fuck him with a rusty pitchfork. That is fucking despicable.

Today, this tomato faced cockstain invoked the name of the US Navy SEAL who died in the yemen raid, and used him to shame anyone asking about the raid. He straight up said anyone questioning the effectiveness or execution of the raid was insulting the dead serviceman.

Geez, what’s up with all you “oh it’s not a Muslim ban” trolls? Do you think that reality is like a genie’s wish, where the wording is the only thing that matters, and not the intent nor the effect?

You seem angry. I bet you are itching for the day when you feel it’s acceptable to say the n-word to someone’s face, if you haven’t done so already.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

Let’s be honest, he wanted to say “when is white history month?” and “I have several black friends!”

Is it just me, or is the Gizmodo comments section The Worst? Every article discussing any new scientific paper must be followed immediately by a comment like “Duh obvious science is obvious” by otherwise perfectly reasonable people who suffer a Spontaneous Neckbeard Growth to pooh-pooh research that follows the

That’s kinda what pisses me off. I just kicked my good-for-nothing, gaslighting dick of a husband out because I was tired of the emotional abuse and chaos that he causes in our family life.

I think they intentionally implemented this on Holocaust Remembrance day. He gave a speech that omitted the Jewish people, so he def. knew what day it was.

Right back into the hands of ISIS who will use their refugee status against them. Trump and his minions just royally FUCKED all those refugees who are now going to HATE America and all we stand for.