
AJ Daulerio's Spicy Crab Dip:

Arizona ClueHeywood's Spicy Grilled Mexican Shrimp Marinade:

Also, for what I think is the third or fourth consecutive game, Mark Grace referred to one of his verbal gaffes as something "for our friends at Deadspin." Deadspin, you're letting Mark Grace down.

If you've ever spent time in LA, you'd know this never works with an 818.

that has no evident medical benefits.*

It worked in Tucson as well. Though that was long before people started getting their heads cut off in Nogales.

13. Don't get caught jerking off to The Price is Right.

ONE Deadspin live chat...TWO Deadspin live chats...THREE Deadspin live chats AH AH AH AH AH!


Please. For children of the 80's, Joel Murray is not Freddy Rumsen from Mad Men. He's George Calamari from One Crazy Summer (also starring Bobcat Goldthwait as Egg Stork).

Visa is also the only card you can use for online event ticket purchases. "More People Go with Visa (because you don't have any other choice)"

Now there's two cool things that cause hairy palms.


My first concert was seeing Helen Reddy ("I am woman hear me roar") with my parents at a casino ballroom in Laughlin, Nevada. This had to be 1986 or so. I was 10. That was shitty. Even when I was 10 I knew it sucked.

Simple: He's jackin' it.

I'm Sarah Phillips.

Rush? Probably Jennifer Jason Leigh on heroin.

Yeah. I thought everyone knew that flight 93 went down over an hour after the planes hit WTC, and news was traveling fast—particularly to terrified passengers calling their families saying their plane was hijacked. So, given the choice between accepting death or a chance of survival, they made the logical decision. …


Do you think W.C. Heinz ever called somone a "total douchejuice sellout?"