
That's a lot of daily effort to put forth without some ulterior motive...and a lot of effort to put forth from March to late April without notice but still keep plugging away. Came about in early March when commenting was dead, and is going away when commenting is strong (though, the dominance by four or five people

There's been a very us vs. them attitude since the first Great Commenter Cleanse of aught nine. I think the impression that it was a grass-roots, organic movement to critique comments was important. Truthfully, I think AJD could give a shit about comments (though I know he reads most of them) but perhaps he recognizes

I have a suspicion about who it was, and I stick to my hypothesis that it was a ninja acting on orders from the highest (on acid) levels of Deadspin. The tone, writing and sensibility matched a longtime commenter (e.g. as long as me) who really hasn't been around much.

Not funny. You can only carry the white guy/girl raps thing so far, and they passed that point long ago. They (well, Samberg) are from the recent-SNL school of jokes: one layer, just beaten to death.

No response.

Mexico has been outscored 56-0 in the 3rd quarter, making them reconsider the siesta policy.

AL "team" is Three Dominicans and a Mexican. This fall on Fox!

I'm just waiting for the fans to boo the shit out of Fielder. Again. That should be fun.

That is true...COPS is always in Phoenix or Tucson, though I think San Bernadino and Las Vegas may beat us by a few episodes.

Hard to have a biathlon in Phoenix. We like the gun part, but the cross-country skiing part is tough when it's 95.

Chris Berman is his own hype man.


Are you Michael Bay?

There you go!

OK. I get it. Phoenix is hot. It's in a desert. There are snakes. Aren't we known for anything else? Cacti? Forest Fires? Guns? Racism? Come on, ESPN. You can do better.

That's from well after the run, when the real bulls are corralled in the ring for the fights later that day. Once the bulls are corralled, they release cows with protected horns to mess with the spectators and vice versa. If that was one of the fighting bulls that guy would be half dead in addition to being half

Seriously. You can think "we will outspend you and reach our objective through attrition rather than legal process" don't put it in a fucking letter.

If you sync this up with Dark Side of the Moon, you'll see Erin Andrews's dong.

Hi, I'm AJ Daulerio, and this is Deadspin.

ay Dios mio!