blues clues

there’s also a large chunk of people who want to get immunized but cannot for various reasons (no access to internet, can’t get off from work, etc.)....

I’m sick of grandfathered in ok rape”

“Woman Cop”? Really?

Poe/BB-8 gotta be up there, too.

Oh. I thought we had to talk about it because of him being a sex abuser.

Yeah. Are people just forgetting about that already?

The Academy has zip to do with this shitty company that puts together these clickbait “swag bags” every year. It’s a marketing stunt for a shady PR firm and the Academy has sued them multiple times for their misleading insinuation that the stunt is associated with the Oscars.

It’s definitely boorish behavior, but in all fairness the other parties played roles as well

They can’t swallow the anger forever. It’s going to bubble up when they least want or expect it to.

three hours of Alex Baldwin yelling in a fake Spanish accent at a guy over a parking space

Kobe Bryant and his wife paid lots of people to spread a bunch of lies about the woman he raped because they wanted her to be too scared to testify.

Kobe was an unrepentant rapist who went on to re-violate his victim when she reported his crime, paying people to assassinate her character, to the point where the deluge of death threats kept her from cooperating with the prosecution.

progressives who of late have accused her of being a “corporate shill” because she won’t agree to things like free ponies and ice cream for everyone

Especially in that self-congratulatory tone, as if the corporation has always been a super-enlightened entity and now society is finally starting to catch up its established perfection.

Fair enough!


I chose to read it as Lumet giving the audience some good thing, some happiness, before the bleak and terrible events that make up most of the film.

Kobe was an unrepentant rapist who went on to re-violate his victim when she reported his crime, to the point where the deluge of death threats kept her from cooperating with the prosecution.

Is that how you wanted to post that image?

There are so many issues with the establishment tendency to only see medical research in terms of “average white male” being the default. This is one.