
We really don’t need to over complicate this. Car’s computer should keep straight and brake hard unless a better option exists.

So couldn’t the car be rebuilt as “track only”?
I think that’s what would happen in the US if it ended up with a salvage title.

They did show this, just not at the same time as the BBC.

Such a cool car, too bad the prices are so ridiculous.

Can’t say I blame her.

Ya I miss that too. SO many races, pretty much one or more per car. I made a point of getting gold on each. Now, it’s just pass / fail and most cars can’t even compete without being “tuned” to unrealistic levels. Then we have the horrible “Drivatars” to deal with…as if I needed every kid on the internet to follow me

It’s the silly physics I have a problem with.
Forza 6 has decent physics, but nothing much to do with the cars thanks to a horrible single player and online play.

This series would be pretty awesome if the physics weren’t SO cheesy and arcade-ish and the AI drivers didn’t suck so much. I like the open concept though.

Oh, perhaps Jalp can get off of this horrible Kinja platform now ; )

You really can’t beat the Pininfarina Spider Azzurra. Fun to drive, good looking, and pretty rare, inexpensive and appreciating in value Just replace the ugly, heavy US bumpers with the Euro spec, and you’ve got a sexy little roadster which is to the best of my knowledge the only production car badged as a Pininfarina.

Now playing

“We accepted it because the show actually worked in spite of the formula, not because of it.”
Great quote, very true.
I’d also add that despite the formula Top Gear was at its best when we had some realism to the challenges and the guys would get noticeably competitive or just found it genuinely hilarious like May in

This sort of unregulated racing needs to make a comeback.
Spec racing may be preferred by drivers, but engineers and mechanics need a series too!

That’s kinda what I figured. I may still look into Chump though.

This is what I don’t get about Chump / Lemons, “The spirit of the race”.

I don’t doubt that some people can pull this off cheap, but with only basic mechanic skills we couldn’t.
We calculated the cost for a single race and it was a lot including personal safety gear, entry fees, fuel, trailer, and traveling expenses. (we were starting from scratch.)

We we’re going to need to pay someone

Same here, even after a simple pad replacement I’m nervous getting behind the wheel. “What if I screwed up and can’t stop”

Brakes in general. Even after just switching out pads I’m a bit nervous that I did something wrong and won’t be able to stop.

Agree, This is one of the better articles I’ve read here in some time.

Ya I wouldn’t even visit that state, because if I did, I’d likely be forced to stay by the local authority.

I’d pay more for the M1 that hasn’t been shitted on by Andy Warhol.