The other thing to consider though is longer term planning. If you do this sort of thing for a while, you can really just make one giant batch of somethign or another each week (which can be fast!), eat one serving and store the rest.
The other thing to consider though is longer term planning. If you do this sort of thing for a while, you can really just make one giant batch of somethign or another each week (which can be fast!), eat one serving and store the rest.
You know, they could lift most of A Korean Odyssey (the K drama extremely loose modernisation of Journey to the West) and it wouldn’t be out of place in the Disney landscape.
I mean sure, the packaging says soba because I guess that’s the easiest translation for non-Korean speakers. I don’t speak Korean or Japanese. If it helps, I mean:
The semi-prepared/cold case sections are always a delight. The restaurants near us are terrible, so I keep a rotation of Asian semi-prepared soups (summer is for Korean cold soba noodles with radish kimchi/mustard broth) in the fridge. They aren’t cheap, but they’re a great alternative to takeout.
Asian markets best kept secret are the mushroom sections.
That’s true, but you do have to account for other driver expectations. I find that I slow down at intersections because car drivers frequntly expect me to be going slower than I am able; they, for example, may pull into an intersection when I am approaching it, thinking I will be too slow to have an issue with them.
I can’t help it, I fucking love Metropolitan and it’s terrible terrible heroes.
Yeah, that was my thought too, but it did inspire me to look up Mexican black beans/corn/peppers, which seems like a tastier version.
In some ways, I understand where you’re coming from.
Hello Monster should fill that hole for you.
My friend, I haven’t been able to eat at Subway since I started getting into kdramas. And while that’s probably a good thing, also, it’s bonkers.
She’s the most imaginitive artist of our time, and her first few albums are quite accessible. Listen a few times if you don’t think you like it on the first go. There’s a weirdness that can be offputting to some at first, but it’s worth it to wade through until it becomes more comfortable and then exciting.
there are tangy veg pairings (sweet pickles) for this sort of thing as well. East Asians often pair sweet/sour daikon pickles with spicy/oily foods, for the freshness they impart. Particularly excellent with spicy or fried chicken.
I may be misreading you, but I know a ton of people who got divorced and then immediately ended up getting into another serious relationship, and then married. Almost always with horrible outcomes. One one hand, maybe they got what they wanted (a serious long-term relationship, despite that being a terrible idea). On…
Not to defend WY, but you could probably say that about lots of stuff from mthe 80s and 90s. I’ve been really enjoying Kevin can F Himself in part because it makes textual a lot of the creepy subtext of tropes from the 80s and 90s and some of the 2000s.
I don’t know, Paxton is shallow and mostly a body, but he’s also basically nice to Devi. He wasn’t at the very beginning, but pretty quickly into the series, he becomes Team Devi, with the only exceptions when she’s being awful and deserves to be chewed out. And by and large, we see him being generally nice to people.
I don’t care for zucchini due to texture, but making them into fritters or fried cakes can do a lot for that. The only other option for me is in a sauce with very strong flavors a la Indian cooking. Indians eat a summer squash called bottle gourd and many of those recipes have been adapted for zucchini.
I don’t know that I’d say that though. By like the second ep, the sit-com parts are not funny, they’re horrifying. I don’t think you can truly say it’s following the sit-com formula if the entire premise of the sit-com side is to horrify the audience. The purpose of the a normal sit-com is easy, relatable laughs. The…
This is a good list, and Delicatessin is a perfect movie.
Thank you!