I’m certainly not the target demo for a cruise, but I’ve been on one, and it was great. I wouldn’t make it a habit due to environmental issues, but ...
I’m certainly not the target demo for a cruise, but I’ve been on one, and it was great. I wouldn’t make it a habit due to environmental issues, but ...
Friday Night Lights has a great arc in Season 4 focusing not only on the difficulty of getting an abortion in a small conservative town, especially if you’re poor..
My takeaway from this list: “I guess men are fucking terrible.”
I’m with you on most of this, but I will say, the best trip I ever took was to Istanbul (and some other spots around Turkey) a few years ago. It wasn’t crowded at all, though I went for Christmas and got lucky with some unseasonably warm weather. But even on average, it’s not too bad (around 50 is the average high in…
Aw, thanks. :)
If you have a slow cooker, I think this works in those too, both the carmelizing and the cooking of the recipe (@1 1/2 hours on HIGH to cook is what I’m seeing from other similar recipes). Not sure about liquid content, but can be boiled down if it’s too thin.
This is so true.
If you’re carmelizing pounds of onions anyway, it might make sense to use some for a base onion masala sauce that can be used to make a bunch of Indian recipes. I make a few pounds of this every few months and it’s a great time-saver in terms of making all sorts of things.
I’m pretty sure it’s NYT policy to enable abusers and narcissists. They of “but her emails.”
Any cocktail with vodka can be made with soju, which has about half the abv of vodka. It isn’t strong tasting enough for a vodka soda replacement and it’s not great in a vodka martini, but I’ve found it a good replacemnet for most other vodka-based cocktails. I also use it as a gin replacement used in concert with…
Claire, I feel like this is a question for you:
Not Szechuan, but my favorite green beans are Chinese buffet style (so, Americanized). The trick ingredient is oyster sauce, which is due any day for magic ingredient renaissance a la everything but the bagel spice or rooster sauce. You probably should wok-fry them, but I’m lazy, so my even more bastardized version…
You’re absolutely right, you did not use “force,” you said, “push your kids to read for no reason.” I was trying to figure out why you were being insulting, and I assumed it was because of this. That’s why I focused on it.
My Asian store tradition is that I try a new vegetable every few visits. Asian store produce sections are a godamned delight and have opened my eyes to how shitty American vegetable selection and preparation is.
I’m not quite following your comment. If what you take issue with is “The current “wisdom” is you should do nothing to encourage reading other than reading to your kids,” then I can see how I could have been clearer. “Encourage” in this context could mean “promote reading as a valuable thing.” But what I meant was…
Y’all, make healthy food delicious. That’s it. When healthy food is delicious, you eat it.
I skip the pancake mix entirely and just make protein powder pancakes, because I hate protein powder smoothies. The batter:
You are absolutely winning parenting on that one!
Kinja ate that link so here it is: