Modeling reading gives kids the value that reading is important, but it doesn’t teach them to read.
Modeling reading gives kids the value that reading is important, but it doesn’t teach them to read.
Always be training your kids to entertain themselves.
Incidentally, a trifle is a perfect opportunity to eat boozy dessert, and it’s the easiest thing to make outside of like icebox cake. In fact, it could be considered a sort of ice-box cake inasmuch as it’s more about assembly than actual cooking.
The reasons it makes sense to ask, and asking, are two different things. All of the above are reasons I might ask about political affiliation. But I wouldn’t bother explaining that unless they were offended by the question, because, you know, boring and a bummer. I’d just ask about their political beliefs and leave it…
I think it’s worth taking into account that anytime a woman has sex (or even just a date), she’s taking a risk. Maybe the birth control fails. Maybe dude’s a stalker (or worse). These are things that could literally bankrupt a woman (or worse).
That flavor is my brussels sprouts hack.
Jesus, right? This week has been all about germ freaks and their worries. (The other “story” was stuff you shouldn’t put on your counter. Some of it was reasonable, but a lot was like, really? The world is a dirty place, let’s not pretend that life isn’t just basically dirty and germy.) By all means, let’s polute the…
In 1990, I briefly joined The Rivermen, a band I would never have even listened to, because they had a weekly night at Frankie’s and I was underage and had no other way to get in. I joined solely so I could get into other shows, and that only worked when the doorguys on other nights remembered me from the band. Before…
Oh hey Toledo fam! Maybe I saw you on the Portside steps?
Though more dramedy than sit-com, I’d add Veronica Mars and Freaks & Geeks.
Oh I did a version of that too, as far as not helping with the reading.
I would add, unless there are issues with access to kitchen equipment, avoid cereal. Per pound, it can be as expensive as meat. For traditional American breakfast, consider:
I mean, who doesn’t like to be the hero with the candy!? But man does that spiral out of control really fast.
When my kids were young, if we gave them sweets we didn’t want them asking for, we just didn’t tell them the name of what it was. My kid was dying to have ice cream again but didn’t know “ice cream”, and I was like, “Cold? Milk? IDK, you want a glass of milk?”
This is a bad list. The Heirs is terrible (with a gaslighting abusive male lead and a weak female lead), and most of the entries are mediocre. Crash Landing is like a B+ and It’s Okay is the only one that is actually delightful.
The Guilded Age, as they said above, is shot in Troy, NY, a town entirely built by the new money (trade and manufacture) of the 19th century, and one of the most prosperous cities in America at the time. It fell far and fast when factories left the North. It was a very poor town for a long time, and then was…
That’s why I switched to Aeropress. You get the quality of french press coffee, but the quickness and cleanup advantage of a Keurig.
I was of your opinion that heels were NO when considering winter boots.
I was of your opinion that heels were NO when considering winter boots.
Blues Brothers is a good catch. I’m not as into broader comedy, but BB has osmething for everyone.