I am... It’s I’m still in the “please please please call me back stage”, gotten one pre-interview so far and one “call us when you’re in town” (i’m moving).
I am... It’s I’m still in the “please please please call me back stage”, gotten one pre-interview so far and one “call us when you’re in town” (i’m moving).
It’s Prom Night! Duckling is sitting next to me in all her finery, waiting for her date. We’re watching old Vine compilations so she’ll be nice and relaxed.
For me that is my TV, a lamp, my phone, the clock, and an umbrella. Those are five things I can see. Four things I can touch are my dogs. Two things I can smell are barbecue cooking next door and leaves from a tree outside my window. One thing I can taste is tortilla chips.
Melissa McCarthy is taking this Sean Spicer impersonation a bit too far.
I suggest 2 things first: Patti Stangers be your own matchmaker book and Matthew Hussey’s Get The Guy.
How many resumes have you sent? Someone told me that out of 20, 1 will be picked up. So keep on sending, keep your chin up.
This job hunt is so terrible I wanna cry.
Question can you bring the less comfy shoes to work and get a good pair of slip on walking sneakers?
Guys, I’m so fucking sad and angry. On Thursday afternoon my 5 y/o daughter’s friend picked up my bunny and “hugged” her.
We had to euthanize my poor, sweet Mocha who has been with me for 7 years. The kid crushed her chest causing internal bleeding, a broken rib, and severe shock.
Mocha was my friend and love for…
That’s considered good luck, depending on who you speak to! And it makes sense, when you think about all the birds in the world and how rarely we get hit by bird doings...
An eagle almost dropped a dead rabbit on my mom’s head.
Pointless story time! I was walking back from the gym yesterday and all of a sudden felt something hit my face warm and gooey. It got all over my glasses, which I never wear.
Ghosting might be the thing I detest the most. When I get ghosted, it drives me CRAZY. “Where did I go wrong?” “What did I do?” “We made out I thought she was into me?” “She told me she’d see me next week?” Then I go over everything over and over and over again and it makes me nuts.
My secret? Not dating.
Dating is awful. I just got struck by the third date curse again. Cannot figure out why he ghosted. As in, when we said goodbye he was affectionate and we were kissing and all, see you soon. Texted a suggestion for meeting up a few days later. Nothing. Texted a brief text a few days after that. Nothing. Ghosting is…
I am drunk and really rooting for this to work out
Hit me up! For real! Just know that I can be somewhat of a dolt, and all my friends tease me mercilessly. And also that I walk into their teasing all the time.