Cloudy With a Chance of BullSh

I took it that he was mocking a grammar Nazi. Too much common sense? Or not enough? I don't know anymore.

I just bought this album

The hearts filthy lesson/Se7en

Judgement Night also, if you're into that sort of thing.

A very fitting tribute. I've felt really, deeply sad all day. Don't know what else to say… Think I'll listen to Low/Heroes/Lodger tonight then top it off with Blackstar as I fall asleep…

This world…. I don't know.

"a minor, minor, minor …."


But are they gun toting hip gangster wannabes?

Fuck all these dysfunctional, insecure actresses…

I liked Rubicon.

Ah yes, Prisoners, probably. There Will Be Blood is also a possibility.

That's amazing you said that, I just posted something very similar

There must be some character that Paul Dano portrayed in the past that I loathe because when I see his face I immediately want to punch him.

Just take my 5000 caps and give me the fucking game, or tenpenny gets it…. Again

I prefer the one about putting a Cadillac in his butt.

Huey's too black sounding for me

All I need is my Toadies CD!

What about Bob?
