Cloudy With a Chance of BullSh

He's Canadian

I miss those old doof on golf videos. Glad to see he graduated to doof on shredding guitar licks.

It's funny because it's true. White people are so lame.

I will concede that The Clash is smarter than most of them, but it’s such a disgusting sound that’s never gotten any less gross.

I posted the same thing, albeit far later. I found that so amusing

What I enjoyed most in this episode was Lester (martin freeman) solving the riddle of the rabbit cabbage and Fox, just as he did for Gareth in The Office those many years ago.

*Helmet cracks "Oh hell naw"

Yes give me a shitload of Ratner! the greatest living American director to make a film about hippos

Oh for fuck sake. First Syd Barrett, now Edgar Wright.