
I understand what you mean, but at least on Ramsay's side it makes sense.

Indeed. I also thought that his reaction to his father's "you're my son" (funny how shitty fathers use that phrase when it suits them) was really intriguing. Like he doesn't understand love or affection whatsoever, he seemed more confused than annoyed.

Not to defend him, but unlike Joffrey who is right at his level with all of the monstrosities they've done, Ramsey has had a pretty shitty life with basically zero affection and him being treated like dirt since he was a baby. His personality kinda makes sense.

Interesting point. Perhaps it has a bit to do with that. I do hope she gets some eventual character development that makes me like her a bit more. Quite honestly, I can count the number of characters I genuinely like in the show with one hand and I would have a couple of fingers still unused.

I'm not condemning her, not to death at least, I hope she leaves that cell alive and unharmed.

I agree but Margery has the potential to get there from the way she relentlessly searches for power.

Well, the whole situation with Renly was….something else. She didn't care about not being touched or loved, she was open to letting him do as he wished just to gain access to the crown. That's…not exactly great.

Haha, well I don't want her to die or anything like that. It's just that I find the way she climbs the steps towards power kinda gross. At this point she's been with three men just to gain access to the crown. I'm sure she doesn't love Tommen yet she lured him towards her just for the power. That's kinda nasty.

Robert didn't care about enforcing any kind of law, be it religious or otherwise. He just wanted to party and have a good time 24/7.

Yeah, the worst thing is that the crown has never cared about all the debauchery that happens in King's Landing or even in the whole of the realm. It's just that now they conveniently work as a tool for Cersei.

Oh yeah, definitely. Those two are the top dogs on the bastard alley.

I agree with you. Unfortunately, he is a sheltered child who won't let go of his mommy's arm, so to expect him to suddenly change because he has the crown is kinda misguided.

Offtopic, but Stannis has the best pronunciation of "bastard" in the whole cast.

You don't put a crown on top of a child's head and call him a king. He should be a better ruler for sure, but he was nowhere near ready for the position they made him have.

Indeed, we shall see. Either way, I'll be sad when it happens. He has done some bad things throughout the series, but I honestly think he would make a better ruler than Daenerys.

One can only hope. Having him being killed by either Sansa or Theon would be equally enjoyable.

Agreed. I'm not a part of those people, I was just saying that some people here seem to feel that just having the rape happen was an issue.

Loras, Jorah and Bronn are looking very likely. I'm thinking Stannis will live at least until the next season, if he dies in this one then it has to be on the season finale. He is hugely important in the plot.

" And that 1/4 of the people watching the show have likely had rape in their lives?"

The best part of the episode was Cersei's barely contained delight at watching her young nemesis being carried away. I completely shared her enjoyment.