
There are plenty of people for which the rape itself was a problem.

I really shouldn't reply to you since you stoop so low as to call me names to get your point acrross, but I'll do it anyway just to show you my point.

I understand what you mean. If I were a reader I would be upset with these changes. Since I only watch the show, I feel they handled the road they took rather well.

By shielding I meant not having the scene at all, as in, having something happen to stop it from happening, some people in this section have been asking for that.

My point is that since they decided to go this road, that is, having Sansa be raped, then they HAD to show it. Anything else would've been cowardice in my opinion.

That scene was beyond pathetic. It was even worse than when Theon's sister tried to rescue him.

It's not that they have power over everyone, but they are backed by Cersei/The Crown. If Tommen had ordered them to save Margery then they would've done it, but he is still a fearful child so he didn't do it.

1. She could have, but they would have needed to show how she got into the castle by now and they didn't.

I think they would've obeyed Tommen if he gave an order, he is officially the king, after all. The problem is that he wouldn't, because he is weak and is scared.

The overall story got us to this point and to me it was, sadly, unavoidable.

Unfortunately, he is still a little boy in regards with his character. I'm glad they show his weakness, he wasn't anywhere near ready to become king.

It's the best proof that, you can put a crown in someone's head but that won't make him/her a king/queen.

No, there aren't. I never said that she has been shielded throughout the series, what I meant is that shielding her right now would've been lazy writing.

I didn't say that she was shielded before, I'm not sure where you got that out of my comment, but she would've been if the wedding and rape was somehow, magically "avoided".

What's your point?.


Oh, I didn't know that it wasn't in the books. I'm not a book reader, but since they decided that it would happen this way in the series then they needed to show it.

Avoiding it would've been awful. Sansa is such an important character, to cut such a tragic moment in her life would've shown a lot of cowardice by the writers, in my opinion.

I believe that shielding characters from tragic/awful things just because they are important is very lazy writing.

Everyone knows Cersei/The Crown is backing them so no one dares do anything about it.