
Honestly this is why IMO companies should be required to open source the server stuff and allow fans or the public to run their own servers when the company decides to shut them down. I mean I understand why the do it, but at least give the fans the option to keep them going if they want to.  We are at a time where

Yeah, you are immensely overestimating the influence this site would have had on sales in general. The average person isn’t paying the slightest attention to news sites (or blogs, in this case) or JKR in general, and the Harry Potter universe already had a massive fan base. I don’t believe Kotaku would have swung the

Also nice to see 6 of the top 12 games being single player, and that’s not counting Diablo which is to me, mostly a single player game. 

I don’t remember anyone saying no one cared, but I would expect some to say that w/ the internet being what it is. OTOH I do remember a few posters pointing out that the anti-Rowling crowd was risking boosting the game via Streisand Effect and also creating a thing for culture warriors to turn into a rallying point.

Looks cool. Since I’m getting used to the idea of owning nothing, I’ll head down to my local torrent site to check it out when my backlog is a bit lighter.

I think it was heavily implied she didn’t want much beyond his attention, to which Cloud didn’t give much, which in turn made her try even more. Wedge even makes a point to tell Cloud that it’s just a game to her.

Still, 60% of consumers said they prefer self-checkout as of 2021, presumably because they’ve never seen Terminator

Who are these people that feel forced into small talk with the cashier? They say, “Hi, did you find everything you were looking for today?” I say, “Yes,” and that’s the end of it.

How in the hell did they manage to spend $25M per 30-38 minute episode? I get CGI isn’t cheap but it’s not like it was non-stop major action CGI fights. The fact that it cost more than GoT episodes that are 50-80 minutes and require extensive historical sets, wardrobes for entire simulated villages/cities and were

Like a lot of things, it is a good idea that could fill a fairly large niche, but was instituted with underdeveloped technology, over-promised returns, and much too broadly.

I think that’s the key. It works really well in some instances and can make it worse in others. At the grocery store for example: if I’m just getting a couple of things the self check-out makes sense, but not if I’m doing a week’s worth of shopping. I also like it at hardware stores as I’m often in there to just buy a

First of all, you okay, buddy? You’re awful wound up.

Secondly, in what possible way are they wrong? Are you seriously saying that it’s just as possible to go to a music store or video store and buy a DVD/CD/Blu Ray as it was 10 years ago? You seen a mall lately? Been to a Best Buy to peruse their “media section”?

I’m okay with it as long as they’re okay with never owning any of my money.

Great. How am I supposed to get around now? Take the bus?

Perhaps, although it does sound like seeing this character is a rare occurrence so it could have just been missed. 8 voice lines out of thousands for a random side character isn't completely out of the realm of possibility to simply be an accident. 

I feel like “Hey, also GameShark is back” is a story on its own.

Because in America, kids get the cops called on them when they hang out outside.

When asked for a response they replied

Yet for all its Game of Thrones trappings and potty-mouth interludes, the plot of FF16 reminds me most of Final Fantasy IV.

It’s not clickbait if you literally have to read the entire article to get to the bait.