Man I thought regular slideshows were bad, but they’re even worse for videos. Forget to stop the current video before click next slide and later realize there’s video still playing in the background from a few slides black.
Man I thought regular slideshows were bad, but they’re even worse for videos. Forget to stop the current video before click next slide and later realize there’s video still playing in the background from a few slides black.
Nintendo really knows how to make it feel so fucking good to steal from Nintendo.
You’re absolutely right. Viewing one person as a person immediately diminishes all other injustices in the world. Truly, justice and goodness are part of a zero sum game.
And all of this is why they were booed. Not because none of us had phones.
As someone that does wear a seatbelt 100% of the time, “buckle up to start” IMO is absolutely fine in concept. But I’d be very worried about what happens if the sensor fails (and it will fail). Having to get a tow to the dealer because the car thinks you’re not wearing a seatbelt seems incredibly plausible and also…
Oh yeah, I forgot about all that stuff until just now - the sex mini games and crap. I think Corey Barlog even cited some those regrets as a driving force in the father-son story they ended up doing in the reboot.
So is the $60 plan getting downgraded? The “Extra” tier lists Bloodborne, Days Gone, God of War, and Horizon Zero Dawn, but those games are currently available on PS Plus, pre-revamp. Are we losing access to those games if we don’t upgrade to Extra?
I’m just really glad that a (mostly) single player game is getting huge recognition
He mentions the Bolt, and that it was recalled, though he elides that it was LG’s fault, of course. And does mention that GM wants to build their own batteries but doesn’t put together the why that may be the case.
I think his hatred for GM makes him blind to the car’s existence. For how much he loves his Fit, the Bolt is basically the Fit of the BEV word (assuming the updated battery packs are ironed out).
That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.
Not just the toxic masculinity types. I don’t care about the games (yay disability), but my brother has bought each one on release day since at least COD4:MW... I’d wager he’s clocked deep into the thousands of hours on the series over the years, and proudly admits that he’s not touched any campaigns since COD4.
I am sure it has nothing to do with them farting out a new COD each year for over ten years.
well aren’t you fun
Well if it’s not Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer remastered with dedicated servers, I know I won’t be buying it.
It’s very confusing until you remember that Activision is now part of Microsoft, the company that named the Third XBox the XBox One.
I literally had no idea Heard was an actress. And I saw Aquaman.
sidestepping it isn’t the point though
Normally I’m just whatever to slideshows, but THIS column has never been one and it has SO MANY Just. No.