
Women doing that often make the driver’s reaction worse.  You start looking around to see WTF else is going on and is more unnerving than the situation itself.  That was one of my dad’s pet peeves about driving anywhere with my mom.  She was always doing that or loudly sucking in her breath which scared the shit out

Glad the driver is alive and though it’s crazy just to see it, it’s the trailing dust plume that makes this looks comically crazier to me. It’s almost Thelma and Louise-ish.

Agreed. If it’s really “the car” it’s worth it.

I somehow suspect the truck will be under insured for this.

Not sure why they’re tearing it down, now that the road is closed just hit it with a truck going the other direction

Give me a sensor fragile and expensive enough and I will move the earth.

The Chevy Goliath, making 80's kids cry at a dealer near you

Needs a cannon.

This is basically where modern truck design is headed.

PsyOps: The Mindgate Conspiracy was an awesome gimmick shooter.

If it was any other type of game I’d agree, but for an MMO thats been going for like 8 years (since the “reboot”) that opening slowness is only like 1/5-1/4 of the existing content. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you’re committed to seeing the story though to its current stoping point it’s going to be a big

By Erik’s definition, the Voyager probes have never been to space. Erik’s definition is awful.

Well, I’m glad the automotive journalists of the world are deciding on behalf of the spaceflight community and the aerospace industry what counts as “going to space.”

Who pissed in your Cheerios?

Did Alan Sheperd not actually visit space until Apollo 14 then?

The government isn’t forking out the big bucks for Space Tourism, they’re forking out the big bucks for satellite delivery and trips to the ISS. If anything moving the space transport business to the private sector has dramatically reduced cargo delivery costs for the government.

I am, by law, required to post this gif :

Was this supposed to be posted to Jezebel? 

Man, its like you were able to contextualize the phrase “Coastal Elites” without even being asked.

Is this really a thing, or something that coastal liberals tell their kids to scare them at night about the middle of the country?