
The people who will run in with attempts at “told you so”s will ignore two major elements:

1) Even if it was the best thing ever, Microsoft did such an ATROCIOUS job explaining/marketing it, it never would have mattered. The case study of just how you could botch a console launch from every conceivable angle is

8 and 9 had a lot more endgame movies eating up disc space than 7 did :P 

Thank fuck.

I can’t believe they never get rid of that shitty filter for the endgame. Especially once the final battle unlocks, at that point Ultima has achieved what it was after, why is the primogenesis spell still going? Such a dumb decision, basically rendered the photo mode useless. This should undo it for more

The people online posting about marvel movies aren’t representative of the general population, though. Something that often gets forgotten. 

these companies you’re stanning for maintain you don’t own the thing you bought on a disc either. 

I’m happy to blame Discovery/WB first, but Sony’s still failing it’s customers by not protecting stuff they purchased (you keep referring to specifically to pulling the items from the storefront, is not what people are upset about), and deserve blame for failing to do that. 

This is the actual crux of it, imo. I’m not particularly bothered by crossover stuff, but an easter egg reference was a lot more charming than a cynical marketing gimmick. 

You basically quoting the second- and third-to-last paragraphs is pretty funny.

I played some of the first game, and I admit I just wasn’t very good at it. And on top of that everything about the world is just so miserable that I don’t have much motivation to try and push through. Especially not for a sequel which is by all accounts even more miserable than the first one!

I’m also a Raichu fan - and that Lt. Surge episode might just be my favorite single episode of the anime. Highlighting the use of strategy, mechanics from the game as you highlighted, good animation and effects, and also Raichu’s voice acting is fantastic. Love that building “rrraaaiiiiii” when it charges it’s

overpopulation isn’t real.

Hydrocity (pronounced like velocity) is a very fast level, what are you talking about?

Was pretty obvious from the line in the trailer, but I’m very happy for him because I know how much he loves FF7 (and us because I’m sure he’ll kill it). Cool that he talked about it with Steve Blum, too.

....but this also has an increased SSD size...?

In Philly I forget that right on red is even a thing in other places, lol

This has always bothered me. Why would you spell that with two Fs if you want a long U sound

that’s a pretty tenuous video game connection to justify covering it here, lol

And while a single season of TV lasts 10 hours at most, games frequently extend beyond that.

this is always everyone’s default...but Yuffie joins the party fairly early on here it seems I don’t understand how that would be any different than just giving you all your stuff from the start. And to say “oops, she lost it all” makes even less sense that they would take her along, and feels more contrived

Anyone who got the Götterdämmerung accessory and thought they were bringing their stuff into part 2 was kidding themselves.

Yuna didn’t have a mastered Sphere Grid at the start of X-2, Vincent wasn’t a god at the start of Dirge of Cerberus, Cecil and Kain and the rest were not level 99 in The After Years, the