I said see you later girl
I said see you later girl
I think Xenosaga 1 might be the only definitely-good battle theme he’s made, and it seemed to take so much out of him that there are no other battle themes in the game :P
Because this article declares that using something that doesn’t go with the setting would lack “connection” and “cultural specificity.”
Wonder if they can fix that battle theme... The only blemish on an otherwise wonderful soundtrack, unfortunately the blemish is the song you hear more than any other -_-
This game is just the same as Cows and Bulls, but with words instead of a number, right?
I’m a little confused as to the conclusion here. If they had dressed/acted in way that would make you think “they were connected to this world,” that would have of course been castigated for appropriation. To treat it more or less like any other fantasy setting, they “they fail to present us with anything of…
Man, people get upset even when money is specifically for developers?
I mean...this kinda sounds like the Dutch’s fault. Why offer to build something that can’t fit out the door?
Man I’m so glad they’ve put some actual focus into the single-player game for the first time since PS2.
As gamers are want to do.
Why wouldn’t the same character move the same....?
I mean auto start/stop is generally regarded as horrible, at least. It’s just nonsense for auto manufacturers to cheat on their avg mileage ratings.
Has there ever been another character so popular after doing so little?
Having a hint system for someone who comes back to the game after putting it down for a bit is smart...but just make it so that YOU trigger it. Don’t have the helper chime in on their own with inane advice.
Hated the evolution of Soul Calibur’s character designs for the same reason.
Both a stupid change to make, and a stupid thing to get bent out of shape about. Who really cares?
As someone who usually really struggles to identify framerate differences, I would say the difference that leaps out to me is Cloud’s victory pose. The spinning Buster Sword definitely displays the “smoothness” everyone always goes on about in framerates.
I mean driving on the river was stupid and irresponsible. But once you’re sitting on the car awaiting rescue, there’s not much else to do.
The best part about it was when they asked people to stop referring to it as the “Xbone” XD
Would that they just owned it an called the S the R instead.