As the Xbone did from 360. It follows a simple cycle. Whichever of the two came out broadly “on top” from the last generation, will be the most obnoxious in the following one.
Why are you posting this on every article?
Stupid question: are their machines that different from the machines that dedicated ice cream parlors use?
How could he claim lifelong ”damages” if, were it not for him, no one would even know he was the baby in question?
I understand that, that’s why I’m saying it’s weird to specifically require gray or silver. If it’s just an appliance, why do you care what color it is? Maybe you wouldn’t want neon yellow, sure, but you’re probably not going to run into a neon yellow rav4 anyway.
Toyota RAV4 Hybrid LE in either gray or silver, a super specific ask
Why would their “administrative” systems not be connected to the systems that manage the renting? How could it have been towed without anyone at Avis being able to see that it was towed?
And lol at the repeated claims that they can’t track the car.
Not a bad idea, there’s no way Detroit would get around to removing it either.
I mean if we chalk it up to pedantry, “accident” is perfectly valid. Accident does not mean no one was at fault, it merely means it wasn’t intentional, which is generally the case.
The preference for “crash” is marketing, not pedantry.
That governor was an idiot. If someone is struggling to pay you back, announcing that fact to the world so that they can never get any investors is a great way to make SURE they never pay you back.
LeVar got one taping, while most guests got 2, and he still improved with each one. He’d be fine if they gave it to him.
I’m happy that I’ve never bought more than my first PC copy of Skyrim.
I was trying to figure out how I was familiar with that pokemon despite never playing Gen 4, lol
That’s understandable, but the one thing that the new exp share did that was good was make it so much more viable to add a new pokemon to your team and catch it up to everyone else. Something should be done with curves or something to make alterations to your team less of a hurdle.
Yeah, apparently because the displacement went down and so we couldn’t have that...but surely they could have addressed that better than going the “xbox one” route
Larger install base. And, you know, not $70.
Now that is a reasonable amount of extra bodies to require a minivan! As opposed to the “had a kid, had to buy a minivan!”
(to be clear, obviously if someone wants a minivan, they should buy it for any reason. It’s the disconnect in “needing to” that I roll my eyes at)
It is a shame. Growing up, History, TLC, and Discovery were my go-to TV stations.
Fortunately youtube has pretty well stepped in to more than make up for my educational entertainment.