
Fun fact: KITT was at one point envisioned as a Stingray, but a train full of new Trans Ams derailed, slightly damaging them enough to prevent selling them. So they were able to get a whole bunch of slightly damaged Trans Ams on the cheap, which is lead to KITT becoming a Firebird. 

The 80s-Future Countach on all the main press materials is pretty much the only thing that has had my attention about that game.

There are episodes where he does, though. Hasselhoff has said how in scenes like that they’d fight over who was controlling the car

As a long time fan I’ve known about that fact and to this day I can’t fathom the stupidity of stopping that free advertising. I know it shouldn’t be surprising that GM could be that stupid, but it’s...really difficult to parse. I would LOVE to hear an interview with whatever idiot made that decision.

Yeah I think the only thing the HD DVD releases showed me are all the little charges on the body of the car whenever it was getting shot at :)

Hasselhoff has said in scenes where KITT drives up and he jumps in that he’d be sitting on the other guy and they’d be fighting over who had the controls :P

I probably would have gotten farther if it didn’t just immediately puke a billion boring sidequests at me that washed away the compelling opening.

That’s relative humidity. 47% humidity in cold air is a LOT less moisture than the same percentage in warm air. 

The drama that swirls around Bioware...

1 and 2 were okay. I could never finish them. Only tried the first one once, but tried 2 a couple times, and it could never hold my interest past the midpoint or so.

A friend of mine was commenting the other day that it was odd how this game garners SO much hype on the back of a single game. Have other developers garnered such a hype train after a single good game? Naughty Dog needed 2 Uncharteds and the first Last of Us to get that kind of treatment.

Yeah I always have to pause on the “barely.” How barely? Am I supposed to have onlythe subtlest impression that it even exists...or is it just supposed to be kinda dim?

I remember watching my friend play Doom III and being super annoyed at how dark it was. “Is the final boss the circuit breaker that turns all the lights on?” I remember saying.

Same. In games that have both, the controls invert when I’m flying. 

Because if the logic of inverted is a stick on the back of your head, that would apply to the x axis as well.

Do you invert the x axis?

If your logic was that it’s the same as using a camera, though, you would absolutely “invert” the x axis. To make a camera look right, you’d push it to the left. 

I’ve struggled with that too sometimes. I think because the Prince of Persia games defaulted to a different way than Uncharted or something? It only seemed to confuse me in third person games. I guessed it was my brain trying to work out if I was imagining simply pushing the direction I wanted to see, or if I was

But I don’t invert unless the controller is acting as a flight stick. So for something like, say, Sonic Racing Transformed, or even Halo, the controls are standard, but it goes to inverted once I start flying. Because now I’m controlling an imaginary flight stick, instead of my “head” or a “camera.”

As with the Ezio games, even though the accents are anachronistic, they really aided the atmosphere, for me. Then Unity had all the French sounding British and...what?