It was a simple enough question, I thought. "If you had been able to work with a playable woman character in Far Cry…
It was a simple enough question, I thought. "If you had been able to work with a playable woman character in Far Cry…
I'd say he should play Watch_Dogs...but he plays that already with the NSA
I keep mine under the bed.
I own a TV. I don't pay for cable, because it's worthless.
You're speaking for yourself. This article is about whether or not your PC can handle the game. It was a valid post. You're obviously on your period.
Weird place to bring this up, I know, but...
To repeat my statement to another idiot missing context: This was announced at CES, not at a gaming convention. Sony is more than just Playstation. The only reason Playstation Now was even mentioned here was because it will work on their TVs and phones. Sony CES conferences usually devote like 30 seconds to their…
Both systems are doing awesome. This is great for the industry as a whole.
Congratulations Sony. You did more in 2 months than what Nintendo could do in 2 years.