closet gamer
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grand rapids, happened worlds longest water slide

Yesssss Quina

I am definitely disappointed by the comments to this post. Nobody gives a shit if you smoke weed while playing games. I really enjoy good drug sequences but I don't smoke myself. Anyways I have to say the whole sequence in Farcry 3 was great when you have to fight the giant demon.

What is this magic! She is amazing!

That would be "Drive", you know the Ryan Gosling movie where he drives fast haha but seriously I love that movie , you should check it out

Uhhh yeah I just finished Episode 4 and holy shit this show is good, I love that I really have no idea what is going to happen next.

Damn I really think I might pick up a Wii U instead of a PS4. 3D World, Mario Kart, and Mario Golf look great not to mention smash brothers. Decisions, decisions.....

Well said sir!

The point is, this is bad for video games. We have already been hearing complaints about the male dominance in the industry and why there are not more strong female characters. This just furthers that argument regardless of what is actually in the scene. And there is no need to hear obvious clothes ripping unless they

This is truly impressive! Seriously though I don't know why people complain about these posts, stunts like these do take some skill and dedication