Semper fudge

I was fairly ambivalent even though I love Haynes, until I read that the deaf girl's scenes are being done like a silent movie. Now I'm all in.

Oh man, I haven't heard anyone mention The Gerogerigegege in years. Makes me miss hanging out with the freakazoid underground scum of in its heyday.

I can think of at least two things wrong with that title.


Welp, I need to not look at that photo anymore.

It's so they can run them as a Youtube ad, and get a quick summary of what's being advertised before someone presses "skip this ad" after 5 seconds.

So this food club thing has so far turned out to be an excuse to run ads for fast food joints and processed meat. Great branding, AVC. Great stuff.

He's Danish.

Man I wish I could find the wherewithal to get back into Dark Souls. I've been stuck on O&S for like two years now; last time I played this happened and a little piece of me died inside. I also just couldn't be bothered going back and farming humanity.

I have about 12 games sitting in Steam ready for me to play, but I'll probably spend all my free time playing Overwatch again.

The car is on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows

Gods Will be Watching can go to hell. I thought it was a Wadjet Eye-esque adventure game when I bought it. I was very wrong.

I gave up on that game as soon as I heard the terrible opening narration.

It's triggering mine too, but don't take it down…I need to stare at it…

You know how much those things cost?

Ed Burns.

About 4/5 of the way through Gilead. Enjoying it, despite the overt religiousness. I guess it helps that the main character isn't a closed-minded zealot. The pull quotes on the back cover are amusingly hyperbolic.

The worst thing about Critical Role is watching them feign excitement about the useless shit in those boxes when Loot Crate sponsors the episode. "Wow, we all got the same T-shirt!" It's kind of fascinating and repulsive at the same time.

The long exposition dump scene is a Mamoru Oshii trademark. I don't know how I feel about it these days. I kind of hate the scenes themselves, but they certainly give his movies appealingly off-kilter pacing. I think the GITS movies hold up in spite of them, but I found the Patlabor movies very difficult to sit

Well no shit, soup has a lot of water in it. The only "cure" for a hangover is rehydration and patience.