Semper fudge

Dreck like Horrible Bosses, which Nathan Rabin gave a B. Classic Rabin.

I wasn't a big fan, but The Player of Games is often cited as the best Culture novel, so don't be too put off. (The correct answer is Excession, but make sure you don't read that one until you've read most of the others.) If you're looking for a better read to draw you into the universe, try Look to Windward next.

He used to be a journalist.

He lives on Summerisle.

I don't care about any of the other stuff, but not watching Childrens Hospital is a crime against comedy.

It still is!

Yeah I saw 12 Monkeys based on effusive praise from friends and kinda hated it, but figured I must have been in a bad mood or something. Halfway through Brazil I realised that Terry Gilliam and I were just not meant to be.

Good timing, whoever edited this. I like your work.

It does now.

I love Party Down, but the fact that they chose any episode other than "Celebrate Ricky Sargulesh" is utterly baffling.

It's widely considered by Mike D'Angelo to be one of his worst films.

Yeah but one was "September", which is almost worse than no movie at all.

This sentimental motherfucker just cost us money.

Turn six, Palmer.

Hey, he may not be charming and young, but…what was the third thing you said?

I can't remember what my favourite was because I've never played it sober.

Check out The Binding of Isaac. Individual games can be super short, but it's (almost literally) endlessly replayable.

Usually I can too, but I thought Death Grips was mostly bad. An instrumental album sounds good to me.

Also, that episode where Homer got raped by a Panda.