Mario Kart already has online multiplayer. MKWii had 12 player online multiplayer.
Mario Kart already has online multiplayer. MKWii had 12 player online multiplayer.
Ha ha ha... like Bing will still be around in 2020.
Hey, it still beats the pants off of the schlock that passes for news on Fox.
Huh. It shows up for a split second, but then the image appears over top of it, rendering it unreachable.
What walkthrough? All I get is a static image. No link, no video.
Is there a video in this article? My browser doesn't show one.
I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying that, in a world where my supermarket puts up a sign declaring: "Fresh Thanksgiving Turkey's," we've got bigger problems than people who get its and it's backwards.
It seems these days most people seem to think you use an apostrophe to pluralize words. Considering that, I wouldn't bee to hard on them for mixing up its and it's. They are still leagues ahead of most when it comes to proper grammar and punctuation.
Huh. I didn't realize this game was available for the 360 as well. I might have to think about picking this one up.
I think the biggest issue at this point is that they lied about it. They had multiple opportunities to let us know that it would be paid DLC, and instead said it would not. Heck, even now, they still haven't publicly announced it. It's like they're trying to slip it in there and hope that nobody notices until they've…
Was that quote chosen just to pull more clicks through to the article? Because I clicked through to it, and was really disappointed to find that the guy has zero real-world experience to back up what he's saying. Granted, I agree with him on the point that Team Meat were complaining about nothing. All consoles have…
Okay. My first thought reading this was that they would just go into the regular multiplayer pool. But if this is the case, then... meh. Still don't like it, but at least it can be safely ignored.
Okay, I need a bit of a clarification. Are the legendary teams, once unlocked via the DLC, available in general online play? Or is there a specific matchmaking setup where only people with the DLC play with only the legendary teams? Because the second one, while still bad, is nowhere near as bad as the first one would…
If I'm understanding this right, this is actually worse than that. This should mean that people who pay extra money are given an edge in online play. It smacks of those 'pay to win' TF2 servers that are almost universally reviled.
No, 2K doesn't use their own servers for matchmaking. They use the matchmaking service provided by Sony and Microsoft - though they do use their own servers for value-add services such as online leagues. This means that the servers for old games never go down, unless the entire console's online service is discontinued…
"But it was inevitable it came to this."
Actually, the Gamecube and the PS2 were both a lot harder to get performance out of as compared to the Xbox. The Xbox was essentially a PC with specific specs, making it really easy to program for. The Gamecube on the other hand had a really odd memory layout which meant you had to be really careful about how you laid…
Early 2012 (i.e. January or February) outside of Japan.
Why would we want another taco phone on the market?
That... would actually be better. There is way too much caffeine in MD for my tastes.