
In my opinion, Vesperia is easily the best JRPG of this generation, and I played it on the 360.

This is the bay area we're talking about. If anyone is going to argue with you cutting down a tree, they live in the bay area.

1 meter = 3.25 feet. So 150 / 3.25 = 46m.

Every time I get a contest code, I say, "Well, I guess I lost" and move on with my life. Not worth going online and entering a long code and my personal information for a slight chance at a prize.

Depends on how many people saw the win screen.

That's not Ganon. That's a moblin. And those are his arms.

Like reporting truth? Heaven forbid they do that!

No, its actually really unprofessional of Activision to do this. It calls into question the legitimacy of all the sites that did pull the article, as it suggests that they are in Activision's pocket. To continue your line of thought, should I blacklist any site that gives my game a negative review? I mean, they're not

Yeah the skits were unvoiced in the NA release of Abyss on the PS2. The thing that struck me about them was the way that the character animations still matched up to how they would've looked if they did have voice. I guess that was a product of them being voiced in the Japanese release. Still, considering that there

You should change the title to say 'skits' instead of 'cutscenes'. I thought you were referring to the anime-style cutscenes until I watched the video.

In an urban environment, your draw distance is a lot shorter, so you can afford to have more detail without taxing the gpu. That said, yes, they could've done something to make this work. My point is that it isn't almost no cost, which seems to be the prevailing opinion. So someone at EA or the developer made a cost

Because it means that they have to render twice as much stuff. So in order to get split-screen to work, they can:

You do realize that's a real thing, right? They're clearly overdoing its effect, since this is an arcadey franchise. But the basic concept is real. Try searching for 'Wing Suit' on youtube or any other video site for some pretty awesome videos.

It's not an internet service. It's a home network. Think of the two connectors as two ends of an invisible ethernet cable.

Yeah, it basically uses your house's existing electrical wiring like a home network. You still need to connect that home network to the internet at large.

I was working and looked over at my co-workers screen, where I saw a lightsaber sliding up an ass. 'WTF' was the only acceptable way to respond.

One of the other publishers could still come along and buy up the rights to the IP and the project, ensuring that the game gets made.

No, this is what happens when you completely overextend yourself and have no business plan for the new assets.

Depends on whether you're being graded on a curve or not. If not, you usually do 10 points per letter grade, which puts 80 at the very bottom of the B range (1 point above a C+).

The Kotaku review claims that Hope is so changed he might as well be a different person.