
"So your options are send a letter, deal with it, cancel your PlayStation Network account, or wait until such a time as a judge deems this illegal or unenforceable, which I can't imagine will take too long."

Not exactly. What you're thinking of is the clause that states that in any legal matter regarding a sum of $20 or greater, you have the right to a jury trial.

Huh, I could've sworn I read that somewhere. Maybe it was just somebody speculating.

Dude, I'm commenting on a video games site. It's not often I get that close to women. :(

True, you wouldn't have to use touch. But the touchscreen is a selling point of the system for Sony. So not giving it a touch-friendly interface wouldn't make much sense.

Those will probably depend on which games you have inserted/installed - I imagine they're going for a setup where each game gets its own bubble. That would certainly make finding and starting them easy.

Yeah, this is simple, and most importantly, functional.

Yeah, this doesn't have the sleek look of the XMB. But I think I'll take functionality over appearance.

The XMB wouldn't work very well for a touch-based interface.

Because they produced a lot of assets while making FF13 that they couldn't fit into the storyline. So building a second game on top of them made a lot of sense.

I kinda like the new one better. But they are both very nice.

It looks like one of those games where you can have a ton of things going on at once. So the quality of the individual actors would have to be lower to allow the system to keep up.

Enhanced boob physics?

Yes, most do. Which is why game trailers are pretty much worthless trash. This one was no different.

You been hitting the ganja pretty hard today Totilo?

It's a Greatest Hits-type game now, so it shouldn't cost you more than $20. And it's easily worth more than that.

I'm in the same boat as you. This will probably be the first retail (non-download) game I will have purchased since FF13.

Isn't that exactly what I said with my first comment?

Thank you for completely missing the point.

Yeah, it promoted the game by showing something that wasn't real. A lie.