What did the trailer do? It did what all advertising does: it lied.
What did the trailer do? It did what all advertising does: it lied.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure filing a false police report against somebody is at least a misdemeanor, if not a felony. I guess this might not qualify as a 'police report', but yeah... pretty sure this sort of activity is already illegal.
Can't tell if troll
Why not? If I use my phone to call a sex chat line, would I expect the call quality to cut out halfway through because my use is 'illegitimate'? No, of course not, because the telephone company is classified as a 'common carrier'. They provide the communication infrastructure, and what I use it for is my business and…
Are you kidding? I have a friend from college who is the same age as me and who has a university degree who watches this crap.
And he is Australian. So spread the love.
It's as though you think Fox cares at all about getting what they say on the air correct. And that's why they will never get it right - the story, in its current form, gets more attention than proper reporting ever would. Ignore them, and maybe someday they'll go away.
A lot of console games do that, namely FPSs. You use the sticks for movement and looking around. The shoulder buttons do your primary actions, such as shooting and reloading. The face buttons are for secondary actions like opening a door. These actions generally don't happen in the heat of battle, so it is okay if you…
I have to hope that newer models of the 3DS will have the second stick integrated into the body where you would expect it (probably above the face buttons which would have to slide down a bit). This would then be a compatibility release to ensure people with older 3DSs would still be able to play newer games. Or…
Just because the WiiU says 'TBA' doesn't mean it can't end up as a simultaneous launch. At this point, we still don't know enough about the system to be really able to nail down how long production will take. It could be easy to port from the Wii to the WiiU, or it could not.
Actually, from what I've heard, the developers had even less time than normal to put APF together. Of course that was a management decision and didn't have to be made that way - though it might have been difficult to secure funding for anything longer than that. But I believe that was one of the reasons why the…
The NBA won't let them, as they see the games as an extension of their brand, rather than a source of revenue. To this end, they won't let anybody have an exclusive agreement, as they know that having multiple competing titles will help drive quality.
Good to hear that this is still being seriously worked on, and that EA is taking a realistic stance on it. This makes it more likely that there will be two solid NBA titles in the future, and that would certainly help drive innovation and quality in both titles.
Don't pirate it either. That just gives them numbers to point at when they talk about the next DRM scheme they want to implement. And don't buy it used either, as used games support the new game market. If you really want to make a statement, don't play the game at all. I know this takes some discipline, but if you…
I doubt they would make more money that way, considering how many people buy Madden each year.
Are you sure that wasn't NBA? I remember an ad where somebody was shooting freethrows and the two unseen players of the game kept making comments about how the player was sweating because of how hard he was working. It is certainly possible that both games had ads that featured sweat, but that's the one I remember.
Because as a customer, you pay for services received. If the company fails to render those services to you, they have no right to charge for them. Seriously, they will probably find themselves on the receiving end of a class-action lawsuit if they don't change their policy on this.
EA wanted to change the name of the series a few years back, but marketing studies revealed that people just think of the game as 'Madden', so changing the name would set them back in brand recognition. It really has nothing to do with the person anymore. In fact, I bet that if you asked boys aged 12-25 about Madden,…
Also in Secret of Mana, there is a room in the Underground Palace where you have to put in a code by striking 4 colored panels. In the Japanese version, the code was given using the 4 controller buttons. In the US version, they had to give the code using the colors themselves. At least this was an example where the…